
+ Meeting 3, 10/03/2014 - Meeting with each group

+ Meeting 4, 17/03/2014 - Group presentations

+ Meeting 5, 07/04/2014 - Milestone 1 presentation - Proof Of Concept

+ Meeting 6, 28/04/2014 - UI/UX Lecture (by Ziv)

+ Meeting 7, 12/05/2014 - Milestone 2 presentation - Release Candidate

+ Meeting 8, 09/06/2014 - Final presentation (Milestone 3, Public live BETA) - meeting at Google Office TLV (10:00 - 12:00)

Note: There will be no meeting during "lab hours".

Tel-Aviv University

Blavatnik School of Computer Science

Google Technologies for Cloud and Web Development (TAU, 2013/2014, Semester B)

This is a workshop focusing on Cloud and Web Development, using primarily - but not exclusively - Google tools and technologies.

These include Android (Google Phone), Chrome and Chrome OS, Google Maps, YouTube API, Google Visualization API, Google AppEngine, Social networks, Google TV and more.

Students will group in teams of 4 students. Each group will come up with a project for the semester.

Project will include designing and developing a live web system.

The course will include several frontal lectures going over the technologies, and the rest of the semester will include project reviews (initial project presentation, design and workplan review, several iterations of project demos and finally a complete project presentation).

Each group will also maintain a web page with project documentation and design documents.

See workshop requirements.

Classes will be on Mondays 10-12 at Shreiber 007 (meeting dates below are tentative and could change):

+ Meeting 1, 17/02/2014 - Introduction and project scope (by Shir), Where do we start? (by Yonatan)

+ Meeting 2, 24/02/2014 - Project planning (by Gavri), Google code, SVN, App Engine, GWT (by Misha), Guest team talk


    • Yossi Matias

    • Niv Efron

    • Misha Seltzer

    • Yaniv Leviathan

    • Gavri Smith

    • Yonatan Erez

    • Ziv Tubin

    • Shir Landau


Reception Hour: By appointment. Monday 12:00-13:00 at Schreiber Building, Open Space (floor -1) (please send an email to set a meeting)

contact email: taugadgets@gmail.com

Google group - please sign up (you need to apply to join) and use it to find teams.

TAU calendar

For references, see previous semesters:

2007/8 A

2007/8 B

2008/9 A

2008/9 B

2009/10 A

2009/10 B

2010/11 A

2010/11 B

2011/12 A

2011/12 B

2012/13 A

2012/13 B

2013/14 A

Following semester:

2014/15 A