Tips for Building a Gadget

תאריך פרסום: Mar 09, 2009 10:53:50 AM

    1. When using to host your project, use SVN, and not the static files download section to host your gadget (and other pieces of your code) because the static files section has a problem that after things are downloaded a certain number of times, you cannot change them.

    2. When starting to build your gadget, or when debugging it, you can use, but you can also use other places to host the intermediate versions of your gadget:

      1. your own server or the university server (maybe easiest)

      2. Your account on

      3. The Google Gadget Editor unfortunately does not support V2 gadgets, so this is only good if you develop legacy gadgets (probably not).

      4. Another good suggestion is to start by developing your project, or parts of it, as a non-gadget .html file and store it wherever (same options for storage as for gadgets) and only in later stages of development move the code into a gadget. This sometimes helps more rapid development. The problem here is that it won't work with parts of the system that heavily rely on gadget technology, like opensocial-related modules, or things that make use of the functions you get by <Require feature...>

    3. Think cross-browser. Your gadget is expected to run well (and look good) on most popular browsers. Try to use standard HTML as much as possible, and then test with Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome/Safari.