So what should I do before the next meeting (05/11/2012)?

תאריך פרסום: Oct 29, 2012 7:8:53 AM

1. Find a group.

Each group must be of 4 students.

You may use the following Google group to find friends.

2. Find an idea.

For a Web application / Android application / Facebook application.

Try to think of a use case - a typical use - a need that could be answered by you application.

Maybe something you always wanted to write...

3. Send us email for approval


4. Open a project web site


This site will serve as your project home page:

+ All source code should be put in project SVN (Source tab)

+ Documentation, screenshots etc. should be put in their appropriate place (Downloads tab / Wiki tab / Project Home)

+ Features and Bugs should be administered using the Issues tab

+ License: Choose the one that suits you best, if you can't decide choose Apache V2 (

5. Learn JavaScript

It will become very useful very soon. A nice place to start is this course (presentation+video) and this one and also this.