
Book Chapter

• Duthoit, Juliette & Clotilde Landais. “Le français aux mille visages: S’initier au multinlinguisme francophone en classe de FLE.” Bilinguisme, plurilinguisme et francophonie: mythes et réalités. Ed. Cheryl Toman. Montreal: Presses Universitaires de Montréal. Forthcoming 2021.

This article explains why introducing accents and regional dialects in French as a Foreign Language courses with authentic video documents should be a priority from the beginning of the learning process. Beyond preparing learners for the reality of the language, being exposed to Francophone multilinguism helps learners develop their cultural awareness. Moreover, the use of authentic video documents allows discussions on the sociolinguistic role of accents and dialects as well as on current issues such as glottophobia.

Conference Proceedings

Duthoit, Juliette & Clotilde Landais. “Le français aux mille visages: l’utilisation de documents authentiques en classe de FLE.” Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Convention on the French language, October 2-5, 2019.

This article presents examples of in-class activities using authentic video documents at 3 different levels of French competency (A1/A2, B1, and B2). The cultural goal of these activities is to introduce learners to the different facets of the French language through some (non-Parisian) accents and dialects.