Research papers (current and past lab members in bold)
Anderson, C.N., T.W. Pierson, K. Barrett, and C.M. Bodinof Jachowski. 2024. A comparison of detection probabilities for the patch-nosed salamander (Urspelerpes brucei) using six survey methods. Wildlife Society Bulletin (in press).
Miller, E.M., R.M. Kaminski, B.A. Bauer, G.K. Yarrow, K. Barrett, and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Evaluating deterrents to reduce depredation of wood duck eggs in nest boxes. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1544.
Shurba, J.A., K.J. Whitehead, H. L. Schley, B.A. Bauer, K. Barrett, G.K. Yarrow, and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Does nesting material affect wood duck (Aix sponsa) nest box selection, reproduction, and eggshell bacteria. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60:615-620.
Krohn, A.R., J.J. Apodaca, L. Collins, B.D. Hudson, and K. Barrett. 2024. Phylogenetics, subspecies, and conservation of the eastern pinesnake. The Journal of Wildlife Management 88:e2259.
Grunwald, A.P., A. Hotaling Hagan, K. Barrett, and M.C. Scott. 2023. Reestablishment best practices for Hymenocallis coronaria: a charismatic flowering macrophyte and indicator species for fall line stream restoration in the southeastern U.S.A. Restoration Ecology 31:e13999.
Hahs, A.K., B. Fournier, M.F.J. Aronson, C.H. Nilon, A. Herrera-Montes, and numerous other authors including K. Barrett. 2023. Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide. Nature Communications 14:4751.
Novak, M. and K. Barrett. 2023. Within-site microclimate and connectivity can help predict the presence of discrete patch inhabitants, Aneides aeneus. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 18:111-117.
Melcher, A.L., D. Hagan, K. Barrett, B. Ross, and J. Lorber. 2023. Changes in canopy cover and forest structure following dormant season and early growing season prescribed burns in the Southern Appalachians, USA. Fire Ecology 19:27,
Hutto, D., and K. Barrett. 2022. Do urban open spaces within an urban matrix increases anuran abundance? Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17:582-592.
Newman, J., E.A. Riddell, L.A. Williams, M.W. Sears, and K. Barrett. 2022. Integrating physiology into correlative models can alter projections of habitat suitability under climate change for a threatened amphibian. Ecography:e06082.
Vaughan, M.C., D.L. Hagan, W.C. Bridges, K. Barrett, S. Norman, T.A. Coates, and R. Klein. 2022. Effects of burn season on fire-excluded plant communities in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 516:120244.
Knoerr, M.D., A.M. Tutterow, G.J. Graeter, S.E. Pittman, and K. Barrett. 2022. Population models reveal the importance of early life-stages for population stability of an imperiled turtle species. Animal Conservation 25:53-64.
Barrett, K. and S.L. Rodriguez. 2021. What sources are natural resource managers using to make decisions? Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1543-1553.
Oakman, E.C., D.L. Hagan, T.A. Waldrop, and K. Barrett. 2021. Understory community shifts in response to repeated fire and fire surrogate treatments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Fire Ecology 17:7 PDF
Clément, M.A., J. Shonfield, E.M. Bayne, R. Baldwin, and K. Barrett. 2021. Quantifying vocal activity and detection probability to inform survey methods for Barred Owls (Strix varia). Journal of Raptor Research 55. PDF
Hutto, D. and K. Barrett. 2021. Do urban open spaces provide refugia for frogs in urban environments. PLOS ONE 16:e0244932.
Knoerr, M.D., G.J. Graeter, and K. Barrett. 2021. Hatch success and recruitment patterns of the bog turtle. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:293-302. (Mike's photo was selected for the cover)
Clément, M.A., K. Barrett, R.F. Baldwin, C.M. Bodinof Jachowski, A. Carter, and D. Brinker. 2021. An unexpected backyard hunter: breeding barred owls exhibit plasticity in habitat selection along a development gradient. Urban Ecosystems 24:175-186.
Barrett, K., C. Guyer, and D.A. Steen. 2020. The evolutionary community concept is fully armed and operational: a reply to Sagoff. Biology & Philosophy 35:57.
McGowan, C.P., N.F. Angeli, W.A. Beisler, C. Snyder, N.M. Rankin, J.O. Woodrow, J.K. Wilson, E. Rivenbark, A. Schwarzer, C.E. Hand, R. Anthony, R.K. Griffin, K. Barrett, A.A. Haverland, N.S. Roach, T. Schnieder, A.D. Smith, F.M. Smith, J.D.M. Tolliver, B.D. Watts. 2020. Linking monitoring and data analysis to predictions and decisions for the range-wide eastern black rail status assessment. Endangered Species Research 43:209-222.
Dertien, J.S., S. Self, B.E. Ross, K. Barrett, R.F. Baldwin. 2020. The relationship between biodiversity and wetland cover varies across regions of the conterminous United States. PLOS ONE 15:e0232052.
Stratmann, T.S.M., T. M. Floyd, and K. Barrett. 2020. Habitat and history influence abundance of a threatened turtle. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:331-343.
Newman, J.C. , J.L. Mota, R.H. Hardman, J.W. Dillman, and K. Barrett. 2019. Pathogen detection in Green Salamanders in South Carolina, USA. Herpetological Review 50:503-505.
Clément, M., K. Barrett, and R.F. Baldwin. 2019. Key habitat features facilitate the presence of barred owls in developed landscapes. Avian Ecology and Conservation 14:12.
Oakman, E.C., D.L. Hagan, T.A. Waldrop, and K. Barrett. 2019. Understory vegetation response to 15 years of repeated fuel reduction treatments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Forests 10:350. PDF
Newman, J.C., K. Barrett, and J.W. Dillman. 2018. Green salamander estimated abundance and environmental associations in South Carolina. Journal of Herpetology 52:438-444.
Weaver, N. and K. Barrett. 2018. In-stream habitat predicts salamander occupancy and abundance better than landscape-scale factors within exurban watersheds in a global diversity hotspot. Urban Ecosystems 21:97 - 105.
Steen D.A., K. Barrett, E. Clarke, and C. Guyer. 2017. Conceptualizing communities as natural entities: a philosophical argument with basic and applied implications. Biology & Philosophy 32:1019-1034.
Samoray, S.T. and K. Barrett. 2017. A unique winter roosting location for a northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis). Bat Research News 58:34.
Weaver, N., K. Barrett, and D.L. Hagan. 2017. The influence of exurban landscapes and local site characteristics on riparian vegetation. Urban Ecosystems 20:1141-1150.
Barrett, K., J.A. Crawford, Z. Reinstein, and J.R. Milanovich. 2017. Detritus quality produces species-specific tadpole growth and survivorship responses in experimental wetlands. Journal of Herpetology 51:227-231. PDF
Radanovic, M., J.R. Milanovich, K. Barrett, and J.A. Crawford. 2017. Stable isotopes reveal an invasive plant contributes more than native sources to anuran larval diets. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 32:328-338. PDF
Roach, N.S., E.A. Hunter, N.P. Nibbelink, and K. Barrett. 2017. Poor transferability of a distribution model for a widespread coastal marsh bird in the southeastern United States. Ecosphere 8:e01715. PDF
Milanovich, J.R., K. Barrett, and J.A. Crawford. 2016. Detritus quality and locality determines survival and mass, but not export, of wood frogs at metamorphosis. PLOS ONE 11:e0166296. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166296
Johnson, B.A., J.A. Homyack, K. Barrett, and R.F. Baldwin. 2016. Factors influencing herpetofaunal assemblages of aquatic systems in a managed pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management 379:124-132.
Barrett, K., C. Guyer, S.T. Samoray, and Y. Kanno. 2016. Stream and riparian habitat use by anurans along a forested gradient in western Georgia, USA. Copeia 104:570-576. PDF
Stratmann, T.S.M., K. Barrett, and T.M. Floyd. 2016. Locating rare habitat for a rare species: evaluation of a species distribution model for bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) in the southeastern United States. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11:199-213. PDF
Johnson, B., K. Barrett, J.A. Homyack, and R.F. Baldwin. 2016. Anuran occupancy and breeding site use of aquatic systems in a managed pine landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 368:45-54. PDF
Maerz, J.C., K. Barrett, K.K. Cecala, and J.L. DeVore. 2015. Detecting enigmatic declines of a once common salamander in the Coastal Plain of Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 14:771-784.
Hunter, E., N.P. Nibbelink, C.R. Alexander, K. Barrett, L.F. Mengak, R.K. Guy, C.T. Moore, and R.J. Cooper. 2015. Coastal vertebrate exposure to predicted habitat changes due to sea level rise. Environmental Management 6:1528-1537.
Roach, N.S. and K. Barrett. 2015. Managed habitats increase occupancy of Black Rails (Laterallus jamaicensis) and may buffer impacts from sea level rise. Wetlands 35:1065-1076.
Steen, D.A. and K. Barrett. 2015. Should states value species at the edge of their geographic range? Journal of Wildlife Management 79:872-876. PDF
Sutton, W.B., K. Barrett, A.T. Moody, C.S. Loftin, P.G. deMaynadier, and P. Nanjappa. 2015. Changes in climatic niche and climate refugia of conservation priority salamander species in the northeastern United States. Forests 6: 1 - 26. PDF
Barrett, K., N.P. Nibbelink, and J.C. Maerz. 2014. Identifying priority species and conservation opportunities under future climate scenarios: Amphibians in a biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5:282-297. PDF | Supplemental Material
Barrett, K. and S.J. Price. 2014. Urbanization and stream salamanders: a review, conservation options, and research needs. Freshwater Science. 33:927-940. PDF
Milanovich, J.R., W.E. Peterman, K. Barrett, and M.E. Hopton. 2012. Do species distribution models predict species richness in urban and natural green spaces? An amphibian case study. Landscape and Urban Planning 107:409-418. PDF
Barrett, K., S.T. Samoray, B.S. Helms, and C. Guyer. 2012. Southern Two-Lined Salamander diets in urban and forested streams in western Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 11:287-296. PDF
Liao, W.B., Q.G. Wu, and K. Barrett. 2012. Evolution of sexual dimorphism in the forelimb muscles of Andrew's Toad (Bufo andrewsi) in response to putative sexual selection. Animal Biology 62:83-93. PDF
Barrett, K., B.S. Helms, C. Guyer, and J.E. Schoonover. 2010. Linking process to pattern: causes of stream-breeding amphibian decline in urbanized watersheds. Biological Conservation 143:1998-2005. request
Barrett, K., B.S. Helms, S.T. Samoray, and C. Guyer. 2010. Growth patterns of a stream vertebrate differ between urban and forested watersheds. Freshwater Biology 55:1628-1635. PDF
Barrett, K., C. Guyer, and D. Watson. 2010. Water from urban streams slows growth and speeds metamorphosis in Fowler’s Toad (Bufo fowleri) larvae. Journal of Herpetology 44:297-300. PDF
Barrett, K., C.M. Romagosa, and M.I. Williams. 2008. Long-term bird assemblage trends in areas of high and low human population density. Research Letters in Ecology Q4. PDF
Barrett, K. and C. Guyer. 2008. Differential responses of amphibians and reptiles in riparian and stream habitats to land use disturbances in western Georgia, USA. Biological Conservation 141:2290-2300. request
Barrett, K., W.B. Anderson, D.A. Wait, L.L. Grismer, G.A. Polis, and M.D. Rose. 2005. Marine subsidies alter the diet and abundance of insular and coastal lizard populations. Oikos 109: 145-153. PDF
Barrett, K., D.A. Wait, and W.B. Anderson. 2003. Small island biogeography in the Gulf of California: Lizards, the subsidized island biogeography hypothesis, and the small island effect. Journal of Biogeography 30(10): 1575-1581. PDF
Natural History Notes
Little, C., J.C. Newman, and K. Barrett. 2019. Desmognathus fuscus fuscus (Northern Dusky Salamander). Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review 50: 94.
Newman, J.C., K. Barrett, and J.W. Dillman. 2018. Aneides aeneus (Green Salamander). Post egg deposition. Herpetological Review 49:511.
Michaeli, A., J. Newman, and K. Barrett. 2018. Lampropeltis getula (Eastern Kingsnake). Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review 49:77.
Bagwell, B.C., J. Mota, C. Sabin, J. C. Newman, K. Barrett. 2017 .Trachemys scripta scripta (Yellow-bellied Slider). Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review 48:388.
Mota, J.L., J. C. Newman, K. Barrett. 2017. Trachemys scripta scripta (Yellow-bellied Slider). Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review 48:388.
Sabin, C., B. C. Bagwell, J.L. Mota, J.C. Newman, K. Barrett. 2016. Pseudemys concinna (River Cooter). Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review 47:626.
Hutto Jr., D., J.C. Newman, K. Barrett. 2016. Apalone spinifera (Spiny Softshell Turtle). Geographic distribution. Herpetological Review. 47(2):251.
Barrett, K., D.A. Steen, S.C. Sterrett, W.B. Sutton, and S.P. Graham. 2015. Desmognathus quadramaculatus (Black-bellied Salamander). Maximum clutch size. Herpetological Review 46:409. PDF
Book Reviews
Barrett, K. 2019. Review of The Reptiles of South Carolina, by Jeffery Camper. Herpetological Review 50:826-827.