Reperio, Servīre, Servare Vitas 

I have a dream that technologies could better lives of our future generations. Thus, my B.Eng., Ph.D., and postgrad research have been focusing on applied research for ideating, optimizing, and realizing protypes in engineering and biomedical applications for 25 years.  My doctoral thesis was in the fabrication of nanomaterials and optoelectronic devices (e.g., p- and n- type semiconductors, waveguides, lasers and light-emitting diodes). However, I readjusted my research/work direction because I wish to do something in the bioengineering/medical areas after Ph.D., due to the SARS and H5N1 pandemics happened around my graduation. So, focus was shifted to bioengineering and realization of medical devices for biomedical applications (e.g., diagnostic kit for malaria diagnosis; biosensors for anti-cancer drug, saliva, and blood analysis; sensing needle probe for diabetes).

My grit has been so intense that even after diagnosed with cancer, I founded my own one-man startup (2014-2018) even during cancer treatment and recuperation (cured in 2018) to still carry out researches, consultations and look for funding. 

This cancer episode taught me about: 1) the limitation of my life and capabilities; and 2) end users benefit most from the final product, like me from the cancer drug. Respectively, my career pathway has been shaped to: 1) evangelize more people/students to create more impact in the future; and 2) carry out engineering research (or other related research) and/or facilitating prototypes to go to the hands of the end users/customers. Hence, I aspire to become a faculty/key member of an education/research/industrial organization, and/or a startup founder. 

Clement Yuen, yuen3(at)