
Erasmus School of Economics

2020-today: "Case Studies in Data Science and Marketing Analytics", Master Data Science and Marketing Analytics, Lecturer

  • Supervision of 5 groups of 4 students on a data science problem with proprietary data from companies

  • Companies involved: KPN, Just Eat Takeaway

2020-today: "Marketing for Econometrics", International Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research, Lecturer

  • 10 sessions lecture course (220+ students)

  • 10 tutorial sessions

2019 - 2020: "Marketing Analytics and CRM", Master of Marketing, Lecturer

  • 10 sessions seminar course (25 students)


2020 - 2018: "Value Creation in Luxury and Fashion", Master of Business Administration (MBA), Lecturer

  • 14 sessions elective course

Sciences Po Paris

2018 - 2016: "Microeconomics and Public economics", Master in Public Affairs (MPA), Lecturer

  • Twelve hours lecture course on microeconomics for a group of 20 mid-career professionals.

  • Syllabus

2015 (Fall): "Public Economics" (Graduate, Sciences Po Paris), Tutoring for Pr. Mark Stabile

  • Two hours per week of tutoring on mathematical and conceptual issues related to the lecture course (lecture course of 590 students).

  • Syllabus

2013 (Spring): "Political Economy" (Sciences Po Exchange Programme), Assistant lecturer for Pr. Sergei Guriev

  • The course was composed of 12 sessions in of 2 hours each week, for a group of 25 international students. Students were evaluated based on problem sets, multiple choice questions and a case study, along with their participation and discussion on the class material and readings. I was in charge of writing the teaching material for the 12 sessions, based on required readings and the lecture session.

  • Syllabus

2012-2013: "Microeconomics 1" (Undergraduate, SciencesPo Paris), Teaching Assistant and Coordinator for Pr. Etienne Wasmer

  • In charge of coordinating the undergraduate program in microeconomics (1600 students in five different campuses), co-writing the exams (midterm and finals), reviewing of teaching material and coaching students during office hours on class assignments.

  • Syllabus

  • Teaching Material (in French)

2013 (Fall): "Microeconomics 1" (Undergraduate, SciencesPo Paris), Assistant lecturer

  • The course was composed of 12 sessions in of 2 hours each week, for a group of 20 students. Students were evaluated based on problem sets, multiple choice questions and a case study, along with their participation and discussion on the class material.

  • Syllabus

  • Teaching Material (in French)