Publications and presentations

A list of my publications can also be found on Google scholar and you may also check my Research Gate profile to get some more information.


Claudio Feliciani, Kenichiro Shimura and Katsuhiro Nishinari. "Introduction to Crowd Management - Managing Crowds in the Digital Era: Theory and Practice." Springer Nature (2022) (link)
A Japanese edition with similar content is also available here. 日本語版はこちらで販売されています。

Journal articles (reviewed):


Conferences proceedings (reviewed):

Conference presentations (online, reviewed):

Presentations (or posters) at conferences and workshops (some not reviewed):

Invited talks:

Other presentations and talks (seminar or symposium presentations; excluding conferences):

Patent applications:

Inventor: H. Kawashima, K. Sakamoto, S. Kondo, T. Shikano, Y. Takai, C. Feliciani 

Application: 07.11.2014 / Assignment: 02.03.2017 

Inventor: C. Feliciani, Y. Takai

Application: 23.01.2014