Dark Light Saga

The Dark Light Saga is a Rockstar Romance Thriller.

He’s a vulture. Hunter Tate scavenges for any leavings which he can sell to the publicity rags. Always sniffing the air for his next victim, he circles and he swoops in, thrilled by vulnerability and the pathetic human failings that his camera will capture next. Hunter has earned an inglorious nickname. Bestowed on him by other flock members of the heartless paparazzi, “Buzzard” is what they call him as they sneeringly jest each time Hunter manages to scoop them, to act first on the “anonymous” tips they have only just received via text. Hunter moves in for the kill, his instinct and total dedication to his craft makes him the king of gathering irrefutable and damaging proof of the infidelities, the career blunders and precise moments of loss and despair in the lives of the rich and famous. He is the best. And, he is quite proud of it. So is his mother.

He’s beautiful. He’s an artist, a writer, and a musician. A dichotomy of sadness and longing, Sterling Lawson has created a musical fan base around the globe. Hailing from Estonia, his personal sorrows and dark discontent feed the melancholia-filled fans who cling to his every lyric from his multitude of platinum albums. Obsessed with his glory, those who claim to admire his gifts fantasize and dehumanize the very man they adore. Like piranha. It is a fast and unfulfilling life. Despite his own attempts to annihilate his own success, at the end of the day, when the spotlight hits the middle of the stage, Sterling Lawson is completely beloved by millions of people, including Hunter Tate.

Katherine Wheel. Her name reflects her tortured soul. An instrument upon which the sinners are to be punished. In the South, women are raised to be hard as nails, and soft as rose petals. Trapped by Southern expectations, Katherine prefers her shadowed world of silent solitude. Katherine is particularly graceful, intuitive and deeply connected to her southern clan, both living in Alabama and beyond. Her world is a magical, picture-perfect southern vignette. And there is nothing she wouldn’t do to keep her home hidden, tranquil and protected. How she faces what the outside world has to bring to her world will change her life forever. Or end it.

Dark Light. Two sides to every story. Love and Hate, Music and Silence, Wrong and Right.

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Luminous Shadows: Love, Music and Psychopathic Paparazzo. This book picks up with the fearful and the fearless, only this time, the wheel of fate is turned, and the hunter is now the hunted. A conclusion that you don't expect, but can't put down.

Buy Luminous Shadows Here