Priestess and the Warrior

The Priestess and the Warrior Trilogy

A tale of romance, past lives, and coming into one's own

Indulge in a tale of intrigue, history, and romance that recalls one girl's many lifetimes from today back into ancient times.

Pinky, a young college student with a tortured past, is learning to live her life in a "normal" way because she prefers not to stand out in a crowd. While earning extra credit for her History class at the local Renaissance Faire, Pinky finds her present existence and her past memories melding together as her mind interweaves tales of Pinky's long-ago life. Travel back, into Pinky's previous lives, when the Priestess and the Warrior, Aimi and Tyr, were joined by a love so fierce and by a silent way of communication so intense, that their history and love spanned over centuries. As Pinky shares her stories and dreams, her memories Awaken.

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ACCEPT opens with the last days of Pinky's first semester in college. She is no closer to finding Tyr, her soulmate and still-missing love. However, her memories have grown stronger as has her understanding and appreciation of her friendships, and together, the entire gang all have traveled to a Celtic Christmas village to plunge deeper into the past and unravel more of the mystery that surrounds their existence. Filled with confidence and the joy of the season, the group believes that Pinky will soon uncover all that was lost, and Tyr will at long last return to them.

Alas, the Wheel of Fate has spun once more, as Pinky's current memory of a life once lived in Ireland refutes all that she thought she knew and leaves her with more questions. Yet, she and her friends endeavor on, ever in search of their past to find their future.

Finding herself at the end of another year of college, Pinky continues to struggle to find balance. Her current life co-mingles with her many past lives as she daily fulfills her schedule as a college student. She is also simultaneously the leader to a displaced group of people she calls her dearest friends.

Another Renaissance Faire is in their midst. The final battle for their freedom is eminent.

Will Pinky find and reunite with her beloved Warrior, Tyr, before the end descends? Will they triumph over the curse that has been placed upon them?

Enter, one last time, into a magical world of Renaissance Faires, past lives, true friends, and an epic love that encompasses all of time in this conclusion of The Priestess and the Warrior trilogy.

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