CECAR8 Sessions

S6-15-1 Chair: William E. Kelly (ASCE)

These are presentations. Papers were distributed by the conference organizers.

William E. Kelly (ASCE)

ASCE's support for sustainable infrastructure education and practice

Ajit Sabnis (InCiCon AG)

Transforming civil engineering education and practice to achieve the United Nations sustainable development goals: Where we are - Indian perspective

Mohammad Ali Ashraf (Southern University Bangladesh)

Status of Bangladesh in educating future civil engineers and practitioners on sustainable infrastructure practices

April J. Lander (ASCE)

New Zealand’s provision for sustainable infrastructure education and practice

Ernesto S. de Castro (ESCA Inc./ PICE)

Sustainability practice in the Philippine Infrastructure Design and Construction

Papers for Session

TS6-15-2 Chair: William E. Kelly (ASCE)

William E. Kelly (ASCE)

TC 14 Sustainable Infrastructure: Next Steps

Yoshinori Fukubayashi (University of Miyazaki)

Next steps to ensure civil engineers in Japan can support achievement of the SDGs This is a very large file (135mb) you can download here until May 24, 2019.

Hiroshi Takeuchi (Japan International Cooperation Agency)

Technical cooperation and its contribution to the realization of the SDGs’ “Data Revolution”

Abul Jabbar Sangi (The Institution of Engineers Pakistan)

Next steps to ensure civil engineers in Pakistan can support achievement of the SDGs

G.L. Sivakumar Babu

Sustainability in Civil Engineering - Way Forward

Papers for Session