Solar Kitchen 23 24





16th Edition 2023 24



We are setting the rules of this conquest. Some of them  will change, as the number of people in each team, dates.

    The Science & Technolgy Department will make our Fourth Solar Heating Edition Contest.


    Pupils of 4º ESO and subject: Physics & Chemist

    Target: The teams have to build an oven wich can heat 300cm3 of water using the solar radiation.

    When: The measures will be made in winter and spring

    Team: two people for each team, even one person if it's difficult

    The measures wil be two

    The water sample: the same volume and the same starting temperature.

    The system must have an hole for insert the thermometer.


    The teams have to find the information and materials, and they have to build theyselves.

    The project have to be draw, and present it with the staff and name of the experiment.



The temperature of the water was ten degrees, and the weather temperature only was five degrees centigrades.

Photographs will be at http as soon as possible

2nd November 2010

 Here are the teams and the people who play this conquest. If your aren't here you have to speak with the teacher or with Kiko. All the teams have to got pupils from differents subjects, the kitchens need people who can research, imagine, build, paint, draw, and translate to English: people need people.


What's Solex? It´s a field of mirrors that reflect to the same point, a black object. Here can explain more about this idea, here too.


(1Th October 2010)

Solar Kitchen at A3 TV click here 


Third Edition


    The Science & Technolgy Department will make our Third Solar Heating Edition Contest.


    The teams have to build an oven wich can heat 300cm3 of water using the solar radiation.

    The measures will be made in winter and spring



In September we will form the teams and will konw the names of the projects.








Ranking: First Round 12Th February








15th JUNE 2010

Spring Round delayed:

La segunda sesión estaba prevista para Mayo, debido al calendario de actividades del viernes de la fiesta del colegio, se realizará hacia final de curso. El procedimiento será el mismo que en la primera sesión. Esta vez la lectura de temperaturas será tan confifencial como se pueda, para mantener el interés.



Winter Round 12th February 2010:


El segundo concurso de cocina solar ha empezado, de momento 8 equipos afrontaron la prueba: calentar 300mL de agua a la máxima temperatura posible con la única ayuda del sol. La temperatura exterior era de 6ºC.

Las cocinas presentadas son de diseño libre, cada equipo ha decidido cómo construirla. Los equipos de cabeza Adrian- Guillermo segundos con 22ºC  y Alba-Lisset-Cristina-Yersey-Marina con 25ºC.

La segunda parte de la prueba se realizará en mayo. ¿Aguantarán el tirón las líderes?


Second Solar Kitchen contest 12Th February