Outreach and Community

At Christ Church we believe that much of our mission is achieved through the strength of our networks in the wider community. That is why we are involved in a whole range of outreach activities and programmes, based both on our own premises and through the parish and beyond.

Here is a flavour of some of these – please call the Parish Office (01423 530750) to find out more.

Rogers Almshouses: the Almshouses cater for retired residents of Bradford and Harrogate who need affordable housing. The vicar of Christ Church and the Dean of Bradford are trusees, working with the Harrogate Families Housing Association.

Guiding organisations are a regular feature of Christ Church – every Tuesday evening Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet at Christ Church, and take part in the Eucharist on the first Sunday of each month. Christ Church is the venue for the annual St George’s Day service, when we welcome up to 1,000 members of both Scouting and Guiding organisations for a special celebration.

Link Lunch: a monthly gathering for fellowship and good food, particularly for those who live alone or could do with some company. Special themed meals, many provided through our special relationship with St Aidan’s High School, feature throughout the year – including a splendid Christmas Dinner. Our fantastic team of friendly and willing volunteers serve, and are always ready for a chat. One of the Christ Church clergy is always present not only to say grace, but ready to be of service. We are always over-subscribed so book early!

Dementia Forward: we are delighted to be a partner with local charity Dementia Forward. Hosting their remarkable Choir, led by David Andrews, every Thursday morning we also support their Time Together Tuesday session where they meet for a simple lunch with games and activities here in the Parish Centre.

SCHOOLS: we have a very active ministry in a wide range of local schools.

- St Aidan’s Church of England High School is the largest church school in the U.K. and seeks to provide the highest quality of education in a Christian context. The vicar of Christ Church serves as a governor of the school and shares with other local clergy in the provision of the school Eucharist and seasonal services. The year 7s come on regular church visits and many staff and students worship at Christ Church.

- Willowtree Primary School is just down the road from Christ Church. Alongside regular assemblies by the clergy, many teachers, children and parents from the school worship at Christ Church.