Kenneth Brock

Kenneth John Brock was the author of a series of extremely entertaining articles in the Christ Church parish magazine in the 1970's concerning the history of Christ Church.

Following the popularity of these articles, in 1981 he completed a "History of Christ Church, High Harrogate" which covers the history of the current church and its predecessor, St John's Chapel, from 1743 to 1981. It contains a plethora of fascinating historical facts gleaned from sources such as local newspapers plus insights into the workings of the church and the characters of the incumbents over the years. The sections covering wartime periods are particularly poignant.

Richard McDermid, the vicar of Christ Church at the time of publication wrote in his foreword: "Personalities and events in our Church’s past come under his kindly but candid scrutiny and are recorded, with warmth, sensitivity and insight, seasoned with quiet humour."

This document, previously only available in printed format, is now available in electronic format and can be downloaded via the link below. This allows a "word search" for the first time and hopefully will be of use to historians and other interested parties.