Undergraduate Research

(L-R)Dr. Katie Benson, myself, Stephen Cornelius, Kyler Nikolai, Jackson Feggestad, Dr. Laura Schmidt, Dr. Nelu Ghenciu at the MAA Wisconsin Meeting in Whitewater Banquet Celebrating UW-Stout's first place victory in Face Off! Go Team Emmy Noether!

University of Wisconsin Stout Undergraduate Student Publications

University of Wisconsin Stout Student Presentations

This was a talk given at the Wisconsin Section of the MAA meeting in Spring 2024 in Whitewater, Wisconsin.  This talk entitled On Antimagic Labeling of Zero Divisor Graphs  was about antimagic labelings of zero-divisor graphs and presented by a team of student researchers ( Stephen Cornelius, Jackson Feggestad, and Kyler Nikolai) from an independent study course with results about a forthcoming article.

Poster presentation at NCUR where Jackson Feggestad and Nathaen Wanta presented our research on magic type labelings of zero-divisor graphs.  This was research which will appear as an article in the International Electronic Journal of Algebra which is currently in the queue to appear.

This was a talk given at the Wisconsin Section of the MAA meeting in Spring 2023 in Menomonie, Wisconsin.  This talk entitled Cordial Labeling of Zero Divisor Graphs  was about cordial labelings of zero-divisor graphs and presented by a team of student researchers ( Will Canter, Nathan Dreher, and Gabe Trebelhorn) from an independent study course with results about a forthcoming article.

This was a talk given at the Wisconsin Section of the MAA meeting in Spring 2023 in Menomonie, Wisconsin.  This talk entitled Variations of Magic Labelings on Zero Divisor Graphs  and covered magic type labelings of zero-divisor graphs and presented by a team of student researchers (Jackson Feggestad, Jacob Halvorson, Noah Royce, and Nathaen Wanta) from an independent study course with results about a forthcoming article. The students were awarded second place for the best presentation.

Westminster College Undergraduate Scholars' Forum Sponsor

Faculty sponsor:

Westminster College Summer Research Mentor - Fall 2015 

Faculty Supervisor - Led a research project with Ying Wang in which we continued to study tau_n finite factorization by using the methods of U-factorization begun over the summer.  We were able to prove many results about global finite factorization properties within commutative rings with zero-divisors using the new irreducible elements created in the summer paper.  The paper was originally combined as a single, large paper, but we have split it into two pieces to make it a bit more manageable and with fewer definitions all at once.  Writing this up into a stand alone paper is still being finalized as the first paper is still in review.

Westminster College Summer Research Mentor - Summer 2015 - (Paper current in review)

Faculty Supervisor - Led a research project with Ying Wang in which we continued to study tau_n finite factorization by using the methods of U-factorization.  We completed an article which studies the relationships between various tau-U-irreducible elements defined in this paper in strongly associate rings like Z/mZ. This research has led to a paper which is currently in review entitled Generalized U-irreducible elements in strongly associate rings.

Viterbo University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Summer 2014 (Involve: a journal of mathematics publication DOI)

Faculty supervisor - Led a research project with Austin Mahlum in which we investigated questions about which integers m and n make Z/mZ a tau_n-atomic (resp. strongly atomic, m-atomic, unrefinably atomic, very strongly atomic) ring and answer several questions regarding tau_n finite factorization properties.  This research has led to a paper which has been published in - Involve: a journal of mathematics.

University of Iowa REU - Summer, 2011

Graduate Student Supervisor - Assisted undergraduate students doing research for the summer at the University of Iowa.  Students were from all over the country doing research with Dr. Daniel D. Anderson in factorization.  We were tasked with meeting with the students twice a week to help them with research, mathematical writing, as well as preparing beamer talks to present during the undergraduate research conference held at the end of the summer.

Central Michigan University REU - Summer 2007 - (Report)

Participant - Studied difference sets in groups.  This was an 8 week long program.  We rapidly learned a lot of algebra and by the end of the Summer, we were able to successfully determine whether or not a group of order 144 had a Hadamard difference set for all groups except 1.  We were able to give three talks about this research as well as write up our results in an NSF Undergraduate Research Report

Williams College SMALL REU - Summer 2006

Participant - Studied Bayesian statistics and time series analysis.  This was a 9 week long program which immersed students in the atmosphere of mathematical research.  Spent a lot of time thinking and discussing mathematics with many wonderful faculty as well as peers.  Colloquia were held weekly to listen to talks given in other fields of research.