
Italy 1992

My mom and I at a lake on a plateau in Southern Italy.

My sister and I in an almond tree with a bowl of almonds. Our house outside of Castrovillari was on an almond orchard, so we did this a lot.

There were lots of brush fires the summer we were there, this is one of the smaller ones.

Old ruins near the town of Sibari.

I am on an ancient Roman road near Sibari, it is built upon ancient Greek ruins which are being excavated underneath this to try to preserve both. Very inception-like ruins inside ruins.

Beach in Sibari with my sister and dad.

My mom, sister and I enjoying some delicious Italian gelato.

This was our favorite gelateria in Rome, the owner was very nice to my sister and I. We spent a lot of lira here over that summer.

Venice. Beautiful place, especially in pictures; however, the thing I remember best was the terrible smell of garbage boiling in the hot summer in the canals. It was much better the last time I was there.

Playing soccer with a kid I met in a plaza in Venice.

Running a race in Rome with my dad's colleague's son and my sister. Unfortunately, the fanny packs are not isolated to this picture.

Three different fountains around the University of Rome where we stayed.


Castel Sant'Angelo

Pope John Paul II. A Cardinal had passed away and we happened to be there for the funeral service.