New Zealand 2023

Disc golf in Auckland

Forza Italia in hotel next door

Coffee lounge at University of Auckland

Some highlights of Auckland. (1) War Memorial Museum (2) Maori Dance presentation (3) Sky tower.

Went to 6 womens world cup matches.  All of the group games for USA and saw Sweden and Spain play (1st and third place).

Some pictures from Mount Eden hike in Auckland.

Night time and fan zone

Some pictures of cool birds at Zealandia in Wellington

Spain team in Wellington. My favorites if it couldn't be the United States. They play great team possession soccer. Felt just like the men's side in 2010.

Photos from the red zone in Christchurch. Abandoned after the earthquakes. Eerie, sad, interesting, beautiful.

Hike in Christchurch with some really nice views

Dunedin cool buildings. (1) Cathedral, (2) clock tower on University of Otago's campus, (3) Central train station.

Photos from Hobbiton

Meeting up with my HS friends who now live in Auckland

Nice sunset as we flew back to the US. Great trip.