
How to setup a Squid proxy to redirect images to images piped through imagemagick.

This was just a fun experiment that extended a bit on the Upside-down-ternet experiment ( In addition to mangled images, it serves up a specific YouTube video.

The packages you need (that are most likely not installed by default) are:

    1. Create directory /var/local/upsidedownternet/

    2. Place the script in the directory above

    3. Insert the following into /etc/squid/squid.conf:

    4. redirect_program /var/local/upsidedownternet/

    5. redirect_children 3

    6. Symlink /var/www/upsidedownternet to /var/local/upsidedownternet/

    7. Symlink /var/local/upsidedownternet/images to /tmp/upsidedownternet/

    8. Start up squid