
Worksheet: How Transparent is Your Assignment?

Name of Assignment: Mind Map with Visio

List two or three questions students most often ask about the assignment. If this is a new assignment, based your response on your experience and what you anticipate students will ask

  • How to locate the brainstorming diagram in Visio

  • How to find the shapes in Visio

  • How to change the arrows among topics

Rate the Transparency of Your Assignment

TiLT Steps & Statement

1 - Short-term and long-term benefits for completing the assignment are made clear to students.

1 - The assignment states explicitly what specific skills students will practice and/or what content knowledge they will gain by completing the assignment.

1 - Connection(s) to course or assignment learning outcome(s) are made clear to students.

1 - The assignment uses student-centered, motivating, and promising language.

2 - Students can determine exactly what steps to complete or the work they need to do.

2 - The assignment provides students with preferred/recommended steps to complete the work.

2 - The assignment offer tips on what roadblocks or mistakes students should avoid.

3 - Students can discern if they are on the right track or if they are doing what is expected of them? (For example, with a rubric or self-assessment checklist)

3 - Annotated examples of successful work are provided to students.

3 - Specific grading criteria are clearly linked to the assignment and available from the start.

TILT Assignment Rubric
