Man in the Mirror

Man in the Mirror

You might be asking yourself, “What could this mirror I am looking into

possibly have to do with athletics?” You should be asking yourself this

question, because you should never stop asking yourself questions that

deal with your work ethic as an athlete. You have never thought about

it, but you and this mirror share the closest and most intimate

relationship between you and anything else in your life. You will not

admit to anyone else that you did not work as hard as you could have

today, but the real truth lies deep inside of you, and even deeper inside

the mirror. The one great thing about you being the athlete and the

mirror being the mirror is that the mirror will never lie to you and you

will never be able to fool the mirror. The truth surfaces each time you

look back into your own eyes with each passing glance and reflecting

stare. You, the athlete: Contemplating whether you can accept or not

accept all you did this very day to be the best athlete you can be.

Understand, you are the only one who has to look at yourself through

this mirror – not only today, but every day. You are the only one who

has to look inside before you sleep at night wondering whether your

conscience can reconcile with each passing beat of your heart the

thought that you may not have given the game all you should have

today. And because today is now over, you are the only one who knows

what you must do tomorrow. These concepts reveal the greatest truths

that you will ever know about yourself, as you see what you want to

see through your own eyes. You see the real you in your purest form.

What is left, then, are two questions, and only your soul holds the key:

Are you honest with your virtues, your weaknesses, and most of all

yourself? And can you live, without any regrets, each and every time

you look at "The Athlete Inside The Mirror?"