New York City - 1995

New York City was our bridge back to the new world

It was not our first visit to NYC and we wanted to visit a few different places.

The Twin Towers as seen from the Brooklyn Bridge

The Twin Towers from the Staten Island ferry

Riding the Wall Street bull

Manhattan as seen from the UN building. We walked long miles all through mid-Manhattan checking out historic building lobbies.

We had a well deserved lunch at the Taj Mahal Restaurant with Wayne. It was a magnificent $2.95 lunch.

We took the Subway out to South Brooklyn; Coney Island & Brighton Beach

Nathan's hot dogs were a step down from the Taj Mahal Restaurant

Wayne was a good sport to try the straw hat on

The Coney Island Circus Side show was one of the last remaining in the USA.

Glenn discusses the latest in entertainment with the Tatoo Man and the Escape Artist

A ride on the world famous Cyclone was tough on our backs

Brighton Beach is a Russian hang-out

We pushed through a number of unlocked doors and made our way upstairs onto the catwalk of Grand Central Station.