PRESIDENT - Wayne A. Berry Sr. - KB9ELS

Wayne A. Berry Sr was born and raised in Carpentersville, Illinois. He started in CB radio as a child with his dad, and soon went up to short wave listening. In his late 20's he obtained his ham radio license KB9ELS. He was ARES RACES Supervisor in McHenry County, Illinois for about 10 years. In 2003 he retired as a Union Truck driver, of 30 years and moved to Arkansas in 2005.

He is a ARRL Assistant Section Manager and Section Traffic manager for Arkansas. He is Net Control for many nets, such as, Razorback, Cherokee Village Ham Radio Club, and many other nets.  Wayne states" I have worked WAS and DXCC and enjoy all aspects of ham radio. I love meeting people I talk to "on air" at local Hamfests. " Wayne enjoys being an "Elmer" to new hams and sharing his long-learned knowledge.


Bio Coming...

SECRETARY - Genice Berry - KI5GRX

Bio Coming...

TREASURER - Bert Heusinger - KI5CGU

Bert has been interested in radio reception since the age of 10 when he would log the number of AM broadcast stations received on an 8-transistor pocket radio.  He obtained his Novice license in the middle 1970’s as WB4DCG, but never furthered the hobby due to career obligations.  Retirement opened new doors!

Bert was elected as the clubs Treasurer, October 2019, and has been a great asset to the club. He has offered his knowledge to newly licensed ham operators and current club members. Bert's efforts didn't go unnoticed as he was awarder "Elmer of the Year" by the Cherokee Village Ham Radio Club in 2019. Bert has proven to be a valuable asset to the club by creating a financial data base to keep track of the clubs billing and accounts payable while providing timely monthly club treasurer reports.