CVHRC ARRL VE Sessions Manager 

Adam Bates -  WD5O

Click on the Register Now Button 

2023 CVHRC Testing Sessions

FCC created the VEC system to provide initial licensing examination for prospective new hams and upgrade examination opportunities for those already licensed. FCC authorized VEC organizations to oversee the work of their certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) and serve as a liaison between the exam applicants and the FCC.

William Otts, KN4FQZ, is the clubs ARRL Liaison and leads the clubs sponsored Ham Exams. We have conducted several testing sessions in the last few years and had turnouts up to 17 newly licensed operator in a single session. We conducted our last exam, even during the Social Distancing, at a local church which had 12 people passing and obtaining their Technician Ham Licenses.

If you have questions and would like to get your Ham license, please feel free to contact any of the clubs Officer's using the menu to the left. We would like to hear from you even if you're not sure and just have questions

The CVHRC sponsored Ham Radio Technician License Exam Sessions is held at Cherokee Village City Hall, located at 2 Santee, Cherokee Village, AR 72529  on the following dates & times.

2024 Schedule

January 20th @ 10am '2024

CVHRC Ham Exam Registration

What To Expect During Your Ham Radio License Exam !

Each test session involves three basic steps:

Register for your exam.

When you arrive at the test session, you will be asked to complete your paperwork. The test administrators review any identification and documents you have. Finally, pay your test fee. (As of 2013, the largest VECs charge a $15 test fee & starting the summer of 2021, the FCC will be charging a $35 licensing fee on line payable to the FCC.)

Take the test.

When you start depends on how many people have signed up ahead of you. In a small session, you may start the test immediately; in a larger session, you may have to wait a while until all have completed their paperwork to begin as a group. The exams are multiple-choice tests. You receive a pamphlet containing the test questions and an answer sheet for recording your choices. Each test takes 15 to 45 minutes. The session may be organized so that everyone starts and stops together, or the testing may be continuous. The VEs will explain the process for your session.

What to do after the test.

When you’re done with your exam, follow the administrator’s instructions for turning in your paper, sit back, and try to exhale! Depending on the size of the session, you may have to wait several minutes for the administrator to grade your paper. At lease three VEs verify the grades on all exams. Passing requires a score of 75 percent or better. (That’s 26 questions on the Technician and General exams and 37 on the Extra.) In all probability, because you studied hard and seriously, you’ll get a big smile and a thumbs-up from the test graders. Way to go! You can finally, truly relax and move on to the next stage.

If you didn’t pass this time, don’t be disheartened. Many sessions allow you to take a different version of the test, if you want. Even if you don’t take the second-chance exam again right away, at least you know the ropes of a test session now, and you’ll be more relaxed next time.