2018 - The Cherokee Village Ham Radio Club

We are located in Cherokee Village Arkansas and the Cherokee Village Ham Radio Club was formed in an effort to increase the safety of the public in January of 2018., opened its doors to the public and it didn't take long for the community and prospective Ham Operators to take notice.

2019 - Growing Pains

As our first year progressed so did the clubs membership. We began to see our club grow to approximately 15 members after offering a large Ham Licensing Exam Session in March of 2019. As our membership grew so did our needs. The club purchased its first repeater system from the Laurence County Armature Radio Club located in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. The system consisted of nothing more than a set of Motorola radios, an outdated CAT 300DX external controller, an underpowered power supply and a set of commercial antennas for RX/TX. While this system motivated the club and was indeed a move in the right direction, it became apparent that we would soon outgrow the system. As our knowledge grew so did our organizational needs, which brought about changes in leadership. The club was initially formed with SkyWarn in mind but the growing membership was becoming concerned that their interest in Ham Radio was not being considered by its leadership and too much focus was being placed on SkyWarn discussions, events and/or activities. By the end of 2019 the club members were looking for change. The club held its Annual Officers Election in November and voted in 4 new Officer's to run the club in 2020.

2018 - 2023 - Were We Are Today

Ham radio, while mostly seen as a hobby, is also a valuable source of emergency communication in times of an emergency like tornados, hurricanes or other natural disasters. Ham radio operators are often the only viable form of communication available while other forms of communication depend upon infrastructure like cell phones and social media via the use of the internet. Amateur radio operators can run their radios on a car battery, solar panels or small generators providing emergency communication wherever it is needed. We are happy to provide wide area coverage to the Licensed Ham Operator's in our area. We welcome you to come be part of the fun and join us as we grow.

After new Officer appointments' January 2020 thru 2023, the CVHRC has;