
Prof. Matt Shoulders' visit to our lab - July 2023 (lunch with students and postdocs)

Aditi's farewell at Noor-us-Sabah (Oct 2022)

Aditi's farewell at Noor-us-Sabah (Oct 2022) - Aditi, Saswati and Tanveer.

Aditi's farewell at Noor-us-Sabah (Oct 2022)

Lab outing to Bhimbetka (July 2022). Check out the prehistoric artwork between Saswati and I!

 (Top) A poorly taken lab selfie at Bhimbetka. We will get better at this!

(Left): Don't these guys look cool?

Lab outing to Bhimbetka (July 2022)

Kathryn visits us from the Shouders lab at MIT (April 2022)

Group picture (March 2021)

Group picture (January 2016, IISER Pune)

Group picture (November 2014, IISER Pune)

Our QTRAP4500 LC-MS for lipidomics

Our two-electrode voltage clamp rig for electrophysiology

Our patch clamp rig for electrophysiology