Chelsea Community Forum

A Discussion Group for Chelsea Area Residents

The vision of this forum is to provide an open, safe, and courteous environment where neighbors can share information on important local issues.

We are moving to a new model for these community forums. Rather than meeting monthly, we will convene forums as topics of broad interest arise. Topics can be nominated by residents. See About us for more details.

Please watch for announcements in Chelsea Update, The Sun Times, or Chelsea Residents in the Know (on Facebook). We will also post updates here.

For information and other events in the Chelsea area, you can visit One Big Connection, which is designed to bring you timely information about local Community Action Teams, Local Resources & Events, and important announcements about mental health resources and more.

The following ground rules guide our discussions:

Show Respect: for the speaker and the other participants.

Join with Humility: as your experience may not be like another person’s. Both perspectives are important.

Remember your Humor: laugh/smile at yourself.

Offer Grace: grant others an opportunity to err.

Practice Patience: provide others an opportunity to grow and to express their opinions.

Provide Mercy: assume the best, even if your perception of another person's opinion sounds awkward to your ear.

Intentionally Listen: eliminate or minimize nonverbal cues when listening to each other.

About this site

This site is written and maintained using Google Sites, with Google Drive providing some back end data services. Access to the site is through the domain name, which is redirected to . While easy to implement and free to use, Sites is limited in functionality (mostly no html, for example) and flexibility in style. Apologies for any shortcomings, but the services cost is reasonable (free) and Google appears to be support the product for the long term, so improvements are likely from time to time. With that in mind, please help improve this web site. Email us to send any corrections or suggestions for additional content. Thank you!