Wood Working Projects

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Rocking Horse:

So why do you spend hours bent over a: band saw, thickness planner, drill press, wood lathe; spend hours trying out different wood stains, sanding, sealing?

The picture below makes it worthwhile 10 times over

Dollhouse Book Shelf:

A birthday present for my wonderful granddaughter, Charlotte (Charley), I was a few months late but it is done.  It is made from 1" solid red oak.

Man, that's a good lemon

Charlotte's 1 year birthday party

Thickness Planner:

My Friend Larry found a thickness planner at a garage sale.  My first project was a butcher block type workbench using 2x4s.  Lesson learned - let the wood dry thoroughly before assembling.  Also below is  my second indoor bench

Potters Bench

Truck for my grandsons

Karate Belt holders for my Granddaughters