January 25, 2023: CBR Runs to Tradesman

This Thursday we're running to Tradesman Brewing Co! A small brewery making big beers in Charleston, SC, Tradesman brings "Well Built Beer" and a true sense of community to our hood!  Founded in 2014, they are family-owned & operated and believe great beer can unite us all. 


Our Route:


From the gazebo, we'll take a left and run around the park.

Right on 10th

Left on Dunnemann 

Run the Dunnemann loop

Left on Rutledge

Left on Heriot in front of BrewLab.

Circle right, going past Cooper River Brewing

Left and the road becomes Oceanic

Turn right onto King at the end of the road

Turn right onto Asheppo Tradesman is on the right (~4 miles)





By participating in a Charleston Beer Runners (CBR) group run or event, you acknowledge that running can be a dangerous sport and that you alone are responsible for your safety and/or actions. You should ensure that you are physically fit enough to participate in CBR runs and events. The organizer, other members of Charleston Beer Runners, and our running locations are not liable for your safety and/or actions.

Remember to hydrate with water during & after the run. If you drive home from the bar, remember to drive responsibly. Try Uber or Lyft!!!