
My areas of expertise are as follows:

Adaptive management of invasive alien plants 

Biotic resistance of restored plant communities to invasion

Ecological restoration of diverse native plant communities

The ultimate goal of my research is the application of ecological knowledge to maintain biodiversity and restore ecosystem functions and services. I am particularly interested in understanding biological invasion and resistance processes in restoring ecosystems. I integrate both theoretical and practical approaches, using observational field surveys, controlled experiment, and statistical models with R.

My doctoral studies focused on determinants of biotic resistance to invasion in restored plant communities. I restored diverse wetland plant communities by applying seed mixtures containing different functional groups, and I examine which communities are more or less susceptible to invasion by the introduced lineage of Phragmites australis (common reed).

 Current studies focus on management of typical invasive alien plants (such as Sicyos angulatus, Ambrosia trifida, Spartina anglica, Ageratina altissima, Aster pilosus, Solidago altissima, Rumex acetosella, Hypochaeris radicata, and etc) and concerned alien species (e.g., Muhlenbergia capillaris) in Republic of Korea through seed mixtures-based ecological restoration of native plants.

Biodiversity and community invasibility in a wetland (doctoral research #1)

Plant functional group and biotic resistance to invasion (doctoral research #2)