

Mailing Address

Central McDougall Community League

Suite 323, 10301 - 104 Street

Edmonton, AB

T5J 1B9

Central McDougall Community League is a 100% volunteer-run organization advocating for the well-being of our neighbourhood. We present events through the year, and we work with outside groups like the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Police Service. Our signature projects include Central McDougall Park (aka "the purple park") and Central McDougall Community Garden.

We're always looking for new people and new ideas! Volunteer for the board or a committee, or simply lend a hand with one of our events. Contact us if you're interested.

Monthly board meetings are generally held the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in MacEwan University room 7-143 (or on the fourth Monday, if the third Monday falls on a holiday). Contact us in advance at office.cmcl@gmail.com to confirm the date and time if you plan to attend (league members are always welcome), or if you have any other questions or comments.