
What is Rallyhood? How does it work? Why is Girl Scout River Valleys using Rallyhood?

Introduction to Rallyhood

Rallyhood is an all-in-one platform for Girl Scout communication and collaboration, combining many of the tools Girl Scout service units and troop leaders use to communicate with other volunteers and families; manage event promotion, registration, and payment; share photos; post, respond, and collaborate with other volunteers and parents and more.

What is it for?

The purpose of Rallyhood is to make the day-to-day responsibilities of volunteers in leadership roles easier. The Rallyhood platform combines the functionality of tools like Eventbrite, SignUp Genius, Shutterfly, Facebook, Flickr, Google Calendar, Google Forms, and Survey Monkey in one place. Service units and troops can customize their sites with their own photos and information, creating their own space for volunteers and parents to communicate.

Why did Girl Scout River Valleys Choose Rallyhood?

Girl Scouts River Valleys is launching Rallyhood this year to provide an additional level of support to service units and troops at a time when staying connected online is more important than ever. Rallyhood has been working with Girl Scout councils for 5+ years—they’re familiar with the Girl Scout movement and the needs of its volunteers. Rallyhood has created an ecosystem customized to our council and volunteer groups, and will continue to work with council staff to improve how the system works for our volunteers.
