
Introductory Microeconomics ECON 101

Course materials This course provides an introduction to supply and demand analysis, the theory of production, costs, and price determination under competitive and non-competitive market conditions. It also covers Externalities and Public Goods.

Introductory Macroeconomics ECON 102

Course materials Macroeconomics studies how a country’s economy as a whole works, as opposed to microeconomics, which looks at how individuals and firms make decisions. This course covers national income determination, monetary and banking systems, and fiscal and monetary policies.

Intermediate Microeconomics ECON 281

Course materials At the end of this course, students should be able to apply consumer, producer, and market theories in analyzing microeconomic facts, to make consumption and business decisions based on economic principles, to analyze current microeconomic policies, and to formulate policy recommendations. Students should acquire basic analytical and quantitative skills.

Intermediate Microeconomics II ECON 384

Course materials The first Intermediate Microeconomics course, ECON 281 constructs the building blocks of economic analysis under rather unrealistic assumptions: perfect information, no possibility of borrowing or lending, and partial equilibrium (equilibrium in one market at a time.) This course, ECON 384 extends those methods to better incorporate the complexity of real world. It deals with uncertainty about the outcomes of a decision, limited information about preferences, costs, and other agents’ actions, and equilibrium in all markets at a time. Since ECON 384 is a theory course, examples are only covered for better understanding the theory and for practicing the methods.

Introductory Econometrics ECON 399

Course materials This course is an elementary treatment of the major topics in econometrics with emphasis on applied regression methods. At the end of this course, students should be able to use statistical and economic theory for constructing econometric models, to use EViews to conduct regression analysis; and to produce empirical economic research.

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