
Rules and Regulations - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)

Consequences - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)

Any infractions or violations of the rules will be handled according to the severity of the situation, and may well include communication with school administrators and parents, and may result in dismissal from performing in this and future All-County Festivals.

The consequences will be decided by a committee consisting of the chaperoning teacher, chairperson, vocal and instrumental vice-presidents.

Cancellation Policy - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)

In the event that the host CCMEA member school must cancel the Friday rehearsal due to inclement weather, or due to circumstances beyond their control, the following would take place:

The host chairman for the festival would contact all parties involved and inform them of the cancellation. The festival would be re-scheduled for the next day, Saturday and the following would take place:

In the event of inclement weather on both days, the festival would be canceled.

Payments to Guest Conductors - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)

Once a festival has begun, full payment will be made to conductors and accompanist. If the festival is canceled, ½ the stipend will be paid to conductors and the accompanist will be paid $50.00.

Chaperone Policy - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)

All students attending a CCMEA sponsored event must be chaperoned by a school appointed representative for the entire length of the event.

Dress Code - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)


Floor-length or tea-length black skirt OR black gauchos OR black dress pantsBlack tights or hose

Black dress shoes

White long-sleeved blouse

NO flip flops or sneakers

NO low-cut tops


Black dress pants

White long-sleeved dress shirt


Black socks

Black dress shoes

NO flip flops or sneakers

NO t-shirts

Tickets - All County

(adopted January 8, 2001)

Ticket prices for All-County Festival Concerts will be:

Adults - $5.00

Students & Sr. Citizens - $3.00

Children Under 10 - FREE

CCMEA Solo Festival Fees

(adopted September 23, 2002)

Effective in the 2017-2018 school year, the fees for participation in the CCMEA Solo Festival will be $11.00 for grade 5 and 6 solos and $8.00 for grade 1 through 4 solos.

CCMEA Music Library Loan Policy

(adopted January 8, 2001)




Missing music: 

Until this issue is resolved, the involved teacher will lose all borrowing privileges.