
The Cayuga County Music Educators Association has been in existence since the early 1960's. Originally, the organization was funded by, and operated under the auspices of, the Cayuga County Principal's Association (later to be called the Secondary Principal's Association). Schools that participated in the early days included: Cato-Meridian, Weedsport, Port Byron, Union Springs, Moravia, Sherwood, Genoa and King Ferry. In 1965, Genoa, Sherwood and King Ferry began the process of combining to form the Southern Cayuga Central School District. The CCMEA was officially recognized by the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) on December 16, 1970. 

On January 12, 1971 the members of CCMEA voted to allow Auburn to join the CCMEA. In June, 1990, the CCMEA became independent of the secondary principal's association, and in 1991, the CCMEA received tax-exempt status. CCMEA Constitutions The first documented CCMEA constitution was ratified in 1967. It stated that the general purpose of the organization shall be to advance the cause of music education through mutual helpfulness and promotion of appropriate projects and activities upon approval of the District Principal's Association. This constitution called for the organization to sponsor All-County Festivals patterned after NYSSMA sectional all-state programs and to encourage participation in the county spring festivals. A revised constitution was ratified in June, 1971. The stated purpose of the organization was redefined as: to advance school music education, in all its aspects. This document also called for the organization to sponsor All-County festivals and encouraged participation in the NYSSMA spring festivals. Noticeably absent, however, is any mention of participating in the county spring festivals. 

On January 18, 1972, the members of CCMEA officially voted to eliminate the county spring music festivals. On April 5, 1986 a new constitution was ratified. This constitution continued to state that the purpose of the organization shall be to advance school music education in all its aspects. This document called upon the organization to sponsor All-County Festivals and a county solo festival. Four amendments were added to the constitution prior to 1990. When the CCMEA became independent of the Secondary Principal's Association, a treasury was established and the constitution was revised on May 12, 1990 to make the necessary changes concerning funding and participation in CCMEA. This revision also incorporated the amendments made to the 1986 document. CCMEA All-County Festivals The first documented music festival sponsored by the organization was the Senior High Chorus Festival held on March 24, 1961 at Union Springs Central School. This County Spring Festival featured performances by many of the Sr. High school choruses from around the county. There were numerous County Spring Festivals held each year featuring the bands and choruses of the county schools each performing a few selections. The first documented All-County Festival featuring select ensembles comprised of the best musicians from the county schools was held on March 30, 1968 at Moravia Central School. The County Spring Festivals were discontinued in 1972. The All-County Festivals featuring select ensembles continued with one festival in the fall and the other held in the spring. These festivals would feature either the Jr. Band and Sr. Chorus or Jr. Chorus and Sr. Band. 

In 1971, the All-County Festival was extended to two days. Friday night and Saturday afternoon rehearsals would lead to a Saturday night concert. In 1972, a stage band was added and in 1973 a swing chorus was included. These jazz groups were popular additions to the festivals until about 1981. During the 1980's, the All-County Festivals included many different small ensembles such as a madrigal choir, brass ensemble, flute choir, woodwind ensemble, percussion ensemble, and a trombone ensemble. In 1982, a schedule change lead to Friday night and Saturday morning rehearsals leading to a Saturday afternoon concert. Since 1990, the All-County Festivals have reverted back to the traditional Sr. Chorus/Jr. Band - Sr. Band/Jr. Chorus format and in 1994 a new schedule was adopted that changed the Friday rehearsal to the afternoon and kept the Saturday morning rehearsal and afternoon concert that is presently used.