1/12/2015 Access to online educational programs with your Google Account - FREE

Post date: Jan 12, 2015 7:36:26 PM

Student Google accounts are now available for all OUSD students!

Benefits & Features:

    • Google accounts include access to multiple services: Drive, Sites, Calendar, YouTube, Gmail, etc.1
    • Students can “login with Google” to third-party websites, such as Khan Academy, Gooru Learning, TypingClub & Quizlet, without needing additional usernames and passwords.
    • Students can learn and use many of the technology skills necessary for success in careers, college & life.
    • Student Gmail & Chat services are turned off by default.

Student logins are ex. firstname.lastname@ousd.us Student passwords are 00######, their permanent ID# with two leading zero’s. Students with common names will have a number after the last name - e.g., john.smith1@ousd.us, john.smith2@ousd.us, john.smith3@ousd.us, et cetera…