Mid-Week Stoke - HSRT Edition, September 13, 2017

Post date: Sep 13, 2017 11:07:53 PM

Dear CB Devo High School Race Team (HSRT),

WOW! We landed a 3rd place team finish in Division 1 South Team Competition in Leadville! All racers gave it their all and every one of them finished the race. So far, we’re very proud to report that all racers have finished every race they started. Based on Leadville results combined with Frisco, CB Devo is now in 4th place overall, just 127 points behind 3rd place, so it’s totally within reach to move up to 3rd in Granby!

Way to represent, CB Devo!:

    • Amy Nolan and Bart Laemmel rode sweep for the Sophomore girls race and saved the day with many, many racers. Bart made what was probably a life-altering save for a novice Freshman rider on the Leadville team who maxed out and rode completely off course into the trees! Be sure to thank Amy and Bart, and all sweep riders, as they work their tails off to keep the racers safe!
    • Ian Eldridge rode with a racer who dropped his water bottle. Ian promptly offered his own water to him so the racer could hydrate before the next feed zone. Rider and parents came over to the team tent afterward to thank him for his kindness.
    • Big thanks to coaches Cooper and Bart for coming to the race to help support our racers!

As a reminder, those items in the newsletter below marked with the following symbol: [!*ACTION*!] need action immediately.


    • Leadville Wrap-Up
    • Race #3 - Granby
    • Race Photos
    • Upcoming Races
    • Closing

Leadville Wrap-Up

Race Results: All individual and team results for Leadville can be found HERE. These are reported in real-time so you can see when our student-athletes complete each lap, final times, and the points received for individuals and teams within seconds of the finish! At the bottom of the page link, you’ll see links to other races in the series. You can also navigate to any specific race from here: http://my4.raceresult.com/ (NOTE: Total team points include the top 10 point earners for each race.)

Food Payments: Thank you to EVERYONE for paying on time!!! Amy is so grateful for your timeliness.

Lost and Found: There are lots of remaining items from our past races, including coffee mugs, raincoat, water bottles, utensils and more. Please check Torrey’s Suburban for pickup.

Race #3 - Granby Ranch Roundup, Sunday 9/24

Race Registration - [!*ACTION*!] The deadline for Granby registration is MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 AT MIDNIGHT. Click HERE to register now, as no late registrations are accepted.

Travel - Since Granby is a 5 hour drive, we will have the CB Devo vans available to transport up to 30 people & their bikes and gear ($5 per person each way). [!*ACTION*!] Please complete the pre-race survey so we can accommodate your travel needs. The good news is that there is no school on Monday, so it eases the pressure on a late-night arrival back in CB on Monday.

Due to the distance, we anticipate that we may have some racers attending without family. That’s fine, but racers traveling without a parent must have a guardian assigned who can ensure they are awake on time, dressed, fed, prepped, packed, etc.

Lodging - We have reserved 9 yurts for Saturday night in Snow Mountain Ranch (8 miles from the race site). Each yurt sleeps 6 (1 queen-size bed and two bunk beds). In addition, each yurt has a camping pad for one 2-man tent. Lodging price will be $15 per person for a bed and $5 per person for camping. If need be, there is also some limited floor space to sleep on the floor inside. [!*ACTION*!] Please respond to the pre-race survey ASAP so we know if we need to reserve any additional yurts or if we need to release any from the reservation. Due to the distance from the race venue, we will need to drive from the yurts to the venue.

Food - Due to the distance, we are simplifying meals for Granby. We will eat at the lodge for dinner ($15) and breakfast ($10). CB Devo will pay and the charge will be a part of your post-race bill. As usual, lunch and snacks will be served in the Pit Zone.

Food Prep, Setup and Cleanup: In order to evenly spread the load, JV and Sophomore families will together be responsible for the shopping, food prep, setup and cleanup for both Granby and Nathrop. [!*ACTION*!] We need one or more Sophmore/JV parents to help coordinate, so please reply to this email (hanna_kj@yahoo.com) so we know who can help pull this together for Granby, and we’ll work to get you the assistance you need. For Granby, this only includes the Pit Zone.

Pre-Ride and Other Race Info - Will come next week

Team Spirit/Team Contest: The contest this race is “Posh Pit! Dress your team pit up. How comfortable, fun and unique can your team pit be? The winning team will be the one that tempts the race crew to take a load off and hang in your tent.” If you have ideas to share to help make our Posh Pit, please contact Jen Hillebrandt at hillebrandtj@gmail.com.

Also, if anyone has medals or other Devo/bike paraphernalia to add to the display case at the high school, let Jen know.

Race Photos

Our stellar team photographers have taken some outstanding photos for everyone to check out, from both Frisco and Leadville. Go to the Dropbox account here, and you should be able to download the photos you like. Please also upload any photos you’d like to share from the races here too. This link will be the same for future races too.

Upcoming Races - Nathrop 10/7 and Finals in Eagle on 10/12

Nathrop Lodging - We will be camping in Nathrop, and the food will be exactly what it was in Frisco (with the JV and Sophomore parents prepping, serving and cleaning). Details will be coming after the Granby race.

Eagle Lodging - We have blocked 15 rooms at the Hawthorne Suites for $95 per night (regularly $135) for October 21. They have to be booked 2 weeks prior to the event or they will be released. The room block is under Crested Butte Devo. I doubt we will need that many rooms, but it’s better to have more than too few. People can book them now since the cancellation policy is 24 hours notice with no penalty. 970-328-3000. There is free camping there, but it can be cold in late October in Eagle so choose wisely.


To save you from having to find this info, buried in your inbox, bookmark our team website and find the exact same info copied into our blog section, where we’ll always have the most current info. If you have an update you want to publish to the team, simply let us know and we’ll include it in the next installment. Until then, keep the rubber side down!

    • Coach Torrey and the Admin Committee

Kim Hanna, Jen Hillebrandt, Jeff Bivens