108-2 Data Structure & Algorithm (II), Spring, 2020

Introduction to Algorithms

Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein


  • 2020 spring
  • 因應疫情,修課學生請下載安裝Skype,以便完成本學期線上視訊程式作業demo
  • 本學期每堂課均須點名,但不計點名分數。學生若有身體不適,請自行休息,無需出席。
  • 2020-3-6 下週要測試skype demo
  • 助教Skype帳號:ChunYu Wu
  • 填寫個人聯絡資訊: https://reurl.cc/Nja1Dx
  • 下星期Demo測試時間預約:https://reurl.cc/GVkZlA

Course Time

  • Moring /3 (10:10-11:00)
  • Friday / 3-4 (10:10-12:00)

Course Location

  • B0108R

Addition materials and references

Download and install for further homework and programming practices

Teaching Assist

  • 吳淳羽


  • 出勤記錄表

Lecture slides

  • 投影片會優先上傳學校E-learning system,所以請先到EL當中找
  • Week 1 20200302 course overview 20200306 Sort(lecture+音源檔
  • Week2 20200309 Sort 20200313 Sort
  • Week3 20200316 Sort
  • Week4
  • Week5
  • Week6
  • Week7
  • Week8
  • Week9
  • Week10
  • Week11
  • Week12
  • Week13
  • Week14
  • Week15
  • Week16
  • Week17
  • Week18