108-1 Data Structure and Algorithm (I),

Fall, 2019

Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++

Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh Mehta


  • 2019/12/27 Quiz3(binary search tree ~hash)
  • 2019/12/2~12/6 Program HW3
  • 2019/11/15 Midterm Exam
  • 2019/09/11 第一次上課, 2019/09/13 中秋節放假

Course Time

  • Wednesday / 5 (13:10-14:00)
  • Friday / 3-4 (10:10-12:00)

Course Location

  • B0107R

Addition materials and references

  • Goodrich, Tomassia, & Mount,”Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”, Wiley, 2nd edition, 2011
  • 徐堯 編譯,”C語言於演算法與資料結構之實習應用”,博碩出版社,2002 (絕版)
  • 程杰,"大話資料結構",悅知文化,2011

Download and install for further homework and programming practices

Teaching Assist

  • 碩一 吳淳羽(醫學影像處理與電腦視覺實驗室)


  • 出勤記錄表

Lecture slides

  • Week 1 2019/09/11 introduction, 2019/09/13 Moon Festival
  • Week 2 2019/09/18 Intro of Algorithm 2019/09/21
  • Week 3 2019/09/25, 2019/09/29 chapter2
  • Week 4 2019/10/02, 2019/10/04, 2019/10/05
  • Week 5 2019/10/09 template function 2019/10/11(Holiday)
  • Week 6 2019/10/16 Quiz1(中午先用了11/13的一小時), 2019/10/18 Stack & Queue
  • Week 7 2019/10/23, 2019/10/25
  • Week 8 2019/10/30 Linked list , 2019/11/01
  • Week 9 2019/11/06 Tree, 2019/11/08
  • Week 10 2019/11/13 老師出國,補課於10/16中午, 2019/11/15 Midterm exam
  • Week 11 2019/11/20, 2019/11/22
  • Week 12 2019/11/27, 2019/11/29
  • Week 13 2019/12/04 binary search tree , 2019/12/06 Quiz2
  • Week 14 2019/12/11 heap tree, 2019/12/13 AVL tree
  • Week 15 2019/12/18, 2019/12/20 Hashing
  • Week 16 2019/12/25, 2019/12/27 Quiz3
  • Week 17 2020/1/1 Holiday, 2020/1/3 專題展
  • Week 18 2020/1/8, 2020/1/10 Final Exam