Youth Group Nights

CYRO visits each of it's four parishes once in any given month to lead engaging Wednesday youth nights. Our evenings seek to provide time for fellowship and community building, engaging games/challenges/activities that relate to the evening's topic, as well as pertinent content, discussion and time for prayer and personal reflection.

Topics covered last year(2018-2019):


-True Christian Freedom

-The Universal Church: Militant, Suffering, and Triumphant

-"Protect this House": Apologetics, controversial topics, and articulating Truth with Love to our peers

-Preparing for an incredible, personal Advent Journey

-Advent: Waiting with the Lord

-Deepening your relationship with Christ: The A.R.R.R. Prayer

-Sin and Reconciliation

-"A Stranger and you welcomed me": Being people of Hospitality

-"Blessed are the peace-makers": Just War Theory

-The Mystery of Faith: Finding beauty in the mysteries of God's love

-Healthy mind, body and soul: Walking through your stress with Christ

-"Remember who you are."- The Sign of the Cross

-Saint Faustina and the message of Divine Mercy

Topics covered this year (2019-2020)

-The way of Saint Francis of Assisi

-Seasons: Walking through a season of being overwhelmed

-Psalm 18: "The Lord Lives!": Our rock, stronghold, our deliverer... with us in all things

-Service: *Saint Richard's Community Kitchen*

-Cost of Discipleship ( It's worth being all in!)

-Living with Honesty

-How Bishops are selected and appointed

-The Nativity Scene: A deep and meaningful tradition

-Levels of happiness: God made us for Ultimate Beatitudo

-The "Angelus": Where it began/Why to pray it

-Does God Exist?: Faith AND Reason (Jr High)

-"Set a guard upon my lips" Psalm 141: Battling Gossip