Selected Recent Invitations

April 19--21, 2024, Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Texas Tech University.

February 16--18, 2024, Symmetry and Geometry in Southern Florida, Florida International University.

October 23, 2023, Mexican Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Special Session on Metric Spaces.

October 21, 2023, Math Department Colloquium, Syracuse University

June 5, 2023, Math Department Colloquium, University of Turin, Italy.

August 8--12, 2022,  Metric Measure Spaces with Symmetry and Lower Ricci Curvature Bounds, Banff International Research Station-Casa Matematica Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico

July 12, 2022, Math Department Colloquium, University of Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland

November 11, 2021, Felix Klein Seminar, University of Notre Dame 

October 21, 2021, Math Department Colloquium, University of Iowa

August 11, 2021, Virtual Seminar on Geometry with Symmetries

August 2--6, 2021, Curvature and Global Shape, Muenster, Germany

November 2020, Topology/Geometry Zoom seminar

November 9--10, 2019, AMS Western Sectional Meeting at UC Riverside

July 29--August 2, 2019,  Curvature and Global Shape, Muenster, Germany

June 30--July 5, 2019, Differential Geometry in the Large, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany

June 23--28, 2019, Women in Geometry 2, BIRS-CMO, Oaxaca, Mexico

April 12--13, 2019, Geometry of and via Symmetries, U. Notre Dame

February 4--15, 2019, Australian German Workshop on Differential Geometry in the Large, MATRIX, Cresswick, Australia.

October 16, 2018, ``Geometry and Analysis", University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado.

October 19--21, 2018, Riverside Mathematics Workshop for Excellence and Diversity, UC Riverside 

June 10--16, 2018, Geometrie, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany

May 4--6, 2018,  Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds, at UC Santa Barbara 

March 3--4, 2018, Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar, University of British Columbia

February 16--18, 2018, Texas Geometry and Topology Conference.

 January 13, 2018, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special Session on Differential Geometry, San Diego, California.

 November 5, 2017,  AMS Western Fall sectional meeting, Special session on Nonnegative Curvature, UC Riverside, Riverside, California.

 August 10--13, 2017, Representations of Riemannian Geometry, Conference in honor of the 65th birthday of Wolfgang Ziller, St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia.

July 24--28, 2017,  Curvature and Global Shape, Muenster, Germany.