I regularly teach courses in TESOL, Linguistics and Language Acquisition.  I also teach education courses on cultural and linguistic diversity occasionally and as needed.  The courses I teach are often offered in multiple different course delivery formats, face-to-face, online, or hybrid in order to serve diverse learning needs of my students.  I am also the course designer/writer for all the listed courses below. The following is the list of courses that I teach most often at Pacific University in various course delivery formats:

ESOL440/540: Language Policy in ESOL Education 

ESOL444/544: Educational Linguistics 

ESOL450/550: Cultural Constructs and Diversity in ESOL Education 

ESOL460/560: Foundations of ESOL Methods

ESOL464/564: ESOL Methods, Assessment, and Technology

ESOl470/570:  Bilingualism and Biliteracy Development

ESOL480/580: Pedagogical Grammar of English

EDUC453/633: Literacy and English-Language Learners

EDUC420/620: Language Acquisition in Children

EDUC547: Teaching World Languages, MS/HS (for Middle and High School Pre-service teachers)

EDUC309: Learning Communities II: Diversity