CGBC News 2023 

CGBC v Milford Sun 4th June

We played three triples at home this afternoon – Milford were unable to get a 4th team together. Despite losing on two rinks out of the three, we won overall by 1 shot!! Teams and scores as follows:

So overall, victory by 55 – 54. This is all the sweeter as it is quite rare for us to beat Milford – the last time we did so was in 2018, when we won at home and drew away. Also interesting to note is that we were trailing after 17 ends and we won on all three rinks on the 18th end, picking up 8 shots on the combined 18th end. Just goes to show that it is important to keep playing hard at it even when trailing on your particular rink!


This, you won’t be surprised to hear, was a warm and sunny afternoon, with the match played in a good spirit. Thanks go to Peter and Lynn for a lovely tea......thanks especially after their efforts yesterday at the Guildford in Bloom event, when Lynn and her lady helpers raised £400 for the club by providing tea and cakes.



John Frith Memorial Competition Sun 28th May

tbc Lawrie

Westfield v CGBC Sat 27th May

It is several years since we beat Westfield, and we came second again today. We, CG, were unable to field the full four triples, with only nine players available. So three triples it was. Paul’s team led by 12 shots to 6 after 10 ends, but then snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by losing every one of the last 8 ends; Shirley’s team trailed by 7 shots to 17 after 12 ends but fought back to lose by just 2 shots; and my team had a generally torrid time of it! Scores as follows:

So overall a defeat by 32 shots, 36 – 68.


The match was played on a hot, sunny afternoon with a break for tea midway and a beer or similar at the finish.

Captain Patrick

CGBC v Puttenham Monday 22nd  May

Hi everyone 

We had a good win against Puttenham last night the weather was good and the evening supper was absolutely delicious I am sure everyone enjoyed the match 

A big Thank You to Margaret and Patrick for the lovely supper and David for helping Puttenham out 

Skip Jonathan Paul Penny 13-9

Shirley Viv Brian 19-6

Lawrie Sue Sima 15-13

Castle Green 48–Puttenham 28

Thank you all for playing 

Captain on the night Shirley 

CGBC v Brockham Sunday 21st  May

Hi CGBC bowlers

On a lovely warm day with lots of sunshine we hosted Brockham.

A quartet of Saxophones in the bandstand accompanied a narrow win by 2 shots in a very close match. It ended 43 - 41 so well done all.

At half way after 10 ends we were 2 down, so the lovely tea must have aroused Castle Green Rink to come back at Brockham in the second half..

Rink results were:

2 - Skip Paul Plummer, Lead Tim, 2 John Phillips 18 - 10

3 - Skip Lawrie, Lead Sima, 2 Nicky 13 - 16

4 - Skip Jonathan, Lead Ged, 2 Sue Secrett 12 - 15

So, we are very grateful for the good win on Rink 2 that enabled us to cross the line overall winners on the day. After tea Brockham on 2 only scored one more point so Paul’s team did really well.

A splendid half time tea was provided by Paul Cabourne and Paul Burchett.

CGBC v Mayford Hall 20th May

We were well beaten this afternoon, but enjoyed a mainly sunny afternoon and a hospitable reception by MH. We were one short, with Vivien unwell, and borrowed one (Paul) from MH; Paul played well and generously against his club-mates. Teams and scores as follows:

So overall a defeat by 46 – 90.


This was Rose’s debut, and she gave every impression of enjoying her first outing with us!



CGBC v Holloway Hill Wed 17th May

We played a home match on Wednesday 17th May against Holloway Hill.  The evening was dry and warm and it was decided to play 16 ends because of the day light and the evening is still quite cool.

I am delighted to report that Castle Green won the game.

The results are as follows :-

Rink 2 - Skip Sue, Tim Lead and Penny No. 2                                          Castle Green     17          Holloway Hill     10

Rink 3 - Skip Shirley, Mary, Lead and Paul No. 2                                      Castle Green     19          Holloway Hill     11

Rink 4 - Skip Jonathan, Ged Lead and Pearl No. 2                                   Castle Green      9           Holloway Hill    16

                                                                                                                   Castle Green    45           Holloway Hill    37

                                                                                                                    We won + 8

Thank you to Penny and Pam for providing a delicious supper which was appreciated by all members and visitors. A raffle was provided.

Another thank you to all the players who made the evening a great success.

CGBC v Saltdean Sun 14th May

On a warm and sunny afternoon 12 players from Saltdean (and 2 spectators) made the long journey up from the coast. This was very welcome as we missed both games with them last year; the home match when our clubhouse was flooded by an under-floor leak, and the away match when Saltdean had to reschedule their internal comp finals. Today, the sun shone throughout, the band played, and the many spectators were nicely entertained! We won on two rinks and lost on the other two.....but we won overall. Teams and scores as follows:

So overall we won by 7 shots, 71 – 64


A delightful tea was served up by Jenny and David – many thanks to them!



Pippbrook v CGBC Sat 13th May

On what started out as a cold Saturday afternoon, but eventually turned nice and sunny, we enjoyed a fine match against Pippbrook with our 3 triples:

Closest match:

Shirley (skip) Lynn and Tim: 10-11. So nearly a draw!

Next closest:

Colin (skip) Pearl and Diane: 14-18. We were 14-14 at 16 ends, dropped a 1 at 17 ends and lost to a 3 on end 18. At tea we were 13-7 up! So it is true that it all changes after tea, when we scored just one point! Then they nibbled away at our lead, one point per end. Oh dear. It was close.


Peter (skip) Sim and Nicky: 8-25. Nuff said!

We'll have to knock 'em for 6 when they come our way. 


CGBC v Wonersh Wed 10th May

We played a home match against Wonersh on Wednesday evening and unbelievably the evening was dry warm and sunny after many heavy showers threatening the evening game being cancelled.

Unfortunately Castle Green could not beat Wonersh who all played an excellent game.   The scores are as follows :-

Jonathan, Kateryna and Sima on Rink 1     12 Wonersh 11 Castle Green

Penny, David, and Brian T on Rink 2           16 Wonersh 8 Castle Green

Sue, Paul and Ged on Rink 3                      30 Wonersh 9 Castle Green

Viv, Brian M and Pearl on Rink 4                 13 Wonersh 10 Castle Green

71 Wonersh - 38 Castle Green

The match was very friendly and there was much laughter around the greens.  Thanks to Colin and Tim who provided an excellent supper with Ham, Salad Rolls and cake.  

My thanks to the team who played in the match.


CGBC v Ewhurst Sun April 30th

We played a home match against Ewhurst this afternoon and managed to win! Teams and scores as follows:

Paul’s team were leading comfortably with two ends left to play, but overcome by a fit of generosity managed to concede 7 shots on the last two ends, hanging on for a draw. Peter’s team led most of the way but never really decisively; we found ourselves defending a 1 shot lead going into the final end and our opponents managed to move the jack, undoing our earlier good work. We too hung on for a draw. So it was left to Shirley’s team to show the way with a convincing win by 11 shots.


This was a good match with friendly opponents. Thanks to Sima and Jackie who provided an excellent tea, which included some 80th birthday cakes!


100 years of Castle Green Bowls Club in 2023

We are celebrating the centenary of the founding of the club in 1923 this year.  Several events are going to take place to mark this significant milestone, including special bowls competitions, and social events.

Play at Castle Green from late April 

We will resume playing outdoor bowls in the last week of April (weather permitting)