
This is the personal website of John Coenraads.

On it I maintain a tribute to the incomparable Casavant Opus 400 .

This organ perfectly illustrates why you can never have too many Diapasons.  Although I am a great enthusiast of Baroque organs, Cassie has rekindled my love of organs in the romantic tradition.

I spent many happy hours wiring up the Peterson switching system for our beloved "Cassie"  Casavant Opus 400.

On the remainder of this site you will find code useful in programming Arduino micro-controllers for use in a Virtual Pipe Organ environment such as scanners and decoders as well as other miscellaneous stuff. I maintain a presence on the Organ Forum and can be reached there via private messaging should you have questions.

Here is a slide show I made about the Casavant Organ  in St. Ann's Academy in Victoria BC. It has tubular pneumatic action and can still be hand pumped.