Lighted Stop Jamb


Lighted Stop Jamb Buttons: Toggling


This sketch is designed to scan 30 lighted tactile buttons and to indicate

whether a stop is on or off by toggling an LED. ON/OFF messages are sent to HW on channel 5

A general cancel turns off all lights and transmits OFF codes for any stops that are ON.

Version 2 makes provision for daisy chaining.

Outputs: pins 2 - 31

Inputs: pins 34 - 63

HW codes: 36 - 65

General Cancel: Pin 69

I/O is through Port 0

Output is to HW.

Equipment: Arduino Mega with one MIDI shield

created 2021 OCT 30

modified 2021 NOV 2 tested on four pins

by John Coenraads


// Declarations==========================================

//Counters (old Fortran habit)

int i, j, k;

//Receive variables

byte noteStatusRx;

byte noteNumberRx;

byte noteVelocityRx;

int pin; //Arduino pin number

byte noteStatus;

byte noteNumber;

byte noteVelocity;

byte setState; //flag to remember that set piston ON message has been sent

byte stopONArray [100]; //Tracks which stops are on and which LEDs are lit.

//Initialize =========================================================

void setup()


// Set MIDI baud rate:


//Initialize input. Normally high (via internal pullups)

for (i = 34; i < 64; i++)


pinMode (i, INPUT_PULLUP);


//Initialize output (normally low)

for (i = 2; i < 32; i++)


pinMode (i, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite (i, LOW);


pinMode (69, INPUT_PULLUP); // General Cancel Piston

//Initialize Array to zero

for (i= 0; i < 100; i++){

stopONArray[i] = 0;



//Main Loop ===========================================================

void loop()




processSerial ();


//Scan thirty Buttons

void scanGroup ()


for (pin = 34; pin < 64; pin++)


if (digitalRead(pin) == LOW)


toggleStop ();}



void toggleStop ()


if (stopONArray[pin] == 0)


stopONArray[pin] = 1;

digitalWrite (pin - 32, HIGH); //turn ON light

Serial.write (0x94); //note ON, channel 5

Serial.write (pin + 2);

Serial.write (0x7f); //medium velocity




stopONArray[pin] = 0;

digitalWrite (pin - 32, LOW); //turn OFF light

Serial.write (0x94); //note OFF,

Serial.write (pin + 2);

Serial.write (0); //zero velocity


delay (1); //debounce delay

while (digitalRead(pin) == LOW) {

}; //wait for button to be released

delay (1);


void scanCancel()


if (digitalRead(69) == LOW) // general cancel


for (pin = 1; pin < 100; pin++)


if (stopONArray[pin] != 0)


stopONArray[pin] = 0;

digitalWrite (pin - 32, LOW); //turn OFF light

Serial.write (0x94); //note OFF,

Serial.write (pin + 2);

Serial.write (0); //zero velocity




delay (1); //debounce delay

while (digitalRead(69) == LOW) {

}; //wait for piston to be released

delay (1);


//Process data received for serial port 0 (from preceding Arduino): status, note number, velocity

//Note: this bare bones version does not handle running status.

void processSerial ()


if (Serial.available())


noteStatusRx = ();

if (noteStatusRx > 0x7F) //is status byte


while (!Serial.available()) {

} //wait for serial data, port 0

noteNumberRx = ();

while (!Serial.available()) {

} //wait for serial data, port 0

noteVelocityRx = ();

Serial.write (noteStatusRx); //output on port 0

Serial.write (noteNumberRx);

Serial.write (noteVelocityRx);


