Bolivia and Peru


This page contains information, recordings, and transcriptions materials that I collected during two research trips to Bolivia and Peru.  The common theme for these trips was Indigenous voices and representation. Here, we visited indigenous groups as well as had different discussions and presentations with different academics and social activist in these two countries. I hope that the information and materials here are helpful to everybody that visit this page.  Click on the links below to access the materials per country.  

If you use any of this information for a class, please feel free to share your lesson plan with me so that I can post it.  In this way, other instructors/teachers/professors can also use these materials. The goal is to make all of these materials and lesson plans accessible.  My email is Thank you!

This pedagogical site has been made possible thanks to the Fulbright Hays Group Projects Abroad (2016) and to the Department of Education Title VI Grant (2023).

What you find in these pages are different interviews and videos (with their transcripts) that I gathered during this Fulbright trip.  If you want more access to more or full recordings, e-mail me at  I have all the copyrights of these materials and I do not authorize their use for other purposes that are not academic or educational in nature.