
Everyone loves stories. It's in our genes. We sat around a fire for thousands of year telling stories full of wisdom, tales of courage, our history and beliefs. It's how we are genetically tuned to learn.

My Father-in-Law used to tell wonderful stories. When he died, the family sat around for a couple of hours and retold his stories. I find I tell stories to make a point. My wife tends to roll her eyes when I wind up to tell one, but most people listen politely and tell me they enjoy them. So . . . here's a few of mine. Tell me some of yours.

Special Olympics Swimming

This is a short story about a swimming competition at a Special Olympics that I was privileged to attend.

Native American Culture

Here are a couple of stories about Native Americans that I thought were very insightful.

When in Rome

I spent a few years in Rome, and loved it. This is the misadventure of one evening out.