Talks and Posters

Chronological order:

Note: slides for some of the talks couldn't be uploaded here due to storage space limit in If you are interested in one of the unavailable talk, do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Mortality and environment in Antananarivo, Madagascar: Exploring urban penalties at the neighborhood level

Duthé, G., Rousse, B., Joelinitahina, H. J., Camarda, C. G., Rasoanomenjanahary, A. M., Ramangalahy Andrianjafiarinoa, T. A., Martin, J., Golaz, V. Lobry, S. and L. Wendling (2024)

Mortality and environment in Antananarivo, Madagascar: Exploring urban penalties at the neighborhood level

Midis de la recherche, UCLouvain. On-line. July 3, 2024


Modeling age-space mortality dynamics in small areas: an application to southern Italian municipalities

Martin, J. and C. G. Camarda (2024)

Modeling age-space mortality dynamics in small areas: an application to southern Italian municipalities

The 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS). Bari (Italy). June 17-20, 2024


Contextualizing the Global Burden of COVID-19 Pandemic. A Historical and Geographical Exploration of Excess Mortality in France, 1901-2022

Bonnet, F. and C. G. Camarda (2024)

Contextualizing the Global Burden of COVID-19 Pandemic. A Historical and Geographical Exploration of Excess Mortality in France, 1901-2022

European Population Conference. Edinburgh Scotland (UK). June 12-15, 2024


Cause-Specific Mortality Forecasting. A Constrained Penalized Regression Model

Camarda, C. G. and M. Durbán (2024)

Cause-Specific Mortality Forecasting. A Constrained Penalized Regression Model

European Population Conference. Edinburgh Scotland (UK). June 12-15, 2024


Does Prosperity Pay? Unraveling the Relationship Between Economic Performance and Life Expectancy across a Large Number of European Regions, 2005–2018

Sauerberg, M., Cilek, L. A., Bonnet, F., Alliger, I. and C. G. Camarda (2024).

Does Prosperity Pay? Unraveling the Relationship Between Economic Performance and Life Expectancy across a Large Number of European Regions, 2005–2018

European Population Conference. Edinburgh Scotland (UK). June 12-15, 2024


Divergences and convergences in recent French mortality patterns

Martin, J., Camarda, C. G. and T. Riffe (2024).

Divergences and convergences in recent French mortality patterns

European Population Conference. Edinburgh Scotland (UK). June 12-15, 2024


Challenges and Opportunities in Collecting Individual Data for the International Database on Longevity (IDL)

Poniakina, S., Caporali, A., Meslé, F., Robine, J.-M., Vallin, J. and C. G. Camarda (2024).

Challenges and Opportunities in Collecting Individual Data for the International Database on Longevity (IDL)

European Population Conference. Edinburgh Scotland (UK). June 12-15, 2024


Reassessing Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality via Distributional Similarities

Gómez Ugarte Valerio, A. C., U. Basellini, C. G. Camarda, F. Janssen and E. Zagheni (2024).

Reassessing Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality via Distributional Similarities

European Population Conference. Edinburgh Scotland (UK). June 12-15, 2024

An approach for cause-specific decomposition of mortality disturbances: Application to the COVID-19 pandemic

Acosta, E., K. Matthes, C. G. Camarda and D. Prieto-Merino (2024).

An approach for cause-specific decomposition of mortality disturbances: Application to the COVID-19 pandemic

Réseau Espérance de Vie en Santé (REVES) conference. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia). May 22-24, 2024


On the Use of Kannisto Model for Mortality Trajectory Modeling at Very Old Ages

Dang, H. K. L.,  C. G. Camarda, N. Ouellette and F. Meslé (2024).

On the Use of Kannisto Model for Mortality Trajectory Modeling at Very Old Ages

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Columbus (USA). April 17-20, 2024

(PAA link, Poster)

Exploring the relationship between economic performance and life expectancy across Europe's regions between 2005 and 2018

Sauerberg, M., M. Mühlichen, L. Cilek, F. Bonnet, I. Alliger and C. G. Camarda (2024).

Exploring the relationship between economic performance and life expectancy across Europe's regions between 2005 and 2018

Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie (Annual Conference of the German Demographic Society). Hamburg (Germany). March 20-22, 2024

(DGD link, Slides)

Contextualizing the Global Burden of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Historical and Geographical Exploration of Excess Mortality in France, 1901-2022

Bonnet, F. and C. G. Camarda (2024).

Contextualizing the Global Burden of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Historical and Geographical Exploration of Excess Mortality in France, 1901-2022

Epidemics and their determinants: Past and present. Barcelona (Spain). February 8-9, 2024


Were centenarians more protected during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidences from Italian mortality data

Camarda, C. G., M Battaglini, G. Capacci, S. Capuano and G. Caselli (2023).

Were centenarians more protected during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidences from Italian mortality data

15th International Seminar on Supercentenarians. Campus Condorcet. Aubervilliers (France). November 16-17, 2023

(Slides, Seminar webpage)

International Database on Longevity (IDL): current state and future perspectives

Camarda, C. G., A. Caporali, F. Meslé, S. Poniakina, J-M Robine and J. Vallin (2023).

International Database on Longevity (IDL): current state and future perspectives

15th International Seminar on Supercentenarians. Campus Condorcet. Aubervilliers (France). November 16-17, 2023

(Slides-Part 1, Slides-Part 2, Seminar webpage)

On the use of Kannisto model for mortality trajectory modelling at oldest ages

Dang, L.H.K., C. G. Camarda, N. Ouellette and F. Meslé (2023).

On the use of Kannisto model for mortality trajectory modelling at oldest ages

15th International Seminar on Supercentenarians. Campus Condorcet. Aubervilliers (France). November 16-17, 2023

(Slides, Seminar webpage)

Coherent Cause-Specific Mortality Forecasting via Constrained Penalized Regression Models

Camarda, C. G. and M. Durbán (2023).

Coherent Cause-Specific Mortality Forecasting via Constrained Penalized Regression Models

Seminar series at the Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa. On-line. October 25, 2023

Deep Talk. Knowledge Connect @SCOR. On-line. October 12, 2023

(Deep Talk slides, CEAUL announcement)

Spatial variation in excess mortality in Europe: A cross-sectional study of 561 regions in 21 countries

Bonnet, F., P. Grigoriev, M. Sauerberg, I. Alliger, M. Mühlichen and C. G. Camarda (2023).

Spatial variation in excess mortality in Europe: A cross-sectional study of 561 regions in 21 countries

Turning Gold: Conference on the Occasion of BiB’s 50th Anniversary. Wiesbaden (Germany). July 2-5, 2023

(BiB link, BiB slides)

Change Over Time in Human Longevity

Robine, J.M. and C. G. Camarda (2023).

Change Over Time in Human Longevity

Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA) International Conference. Heraklion, Crete (Greece). June 6-9, 2023

(ASMDA link)

Spatial disparities in life expectancy gains across 16 European countries, 1995-2019

Sauerberg, M., F. Bonnet, C. G. Camarda and P. Grigoriev (2023).

Spatial disparities in life expectancy gains across 16 European countries, 1995-2019

Réseau Espérance de Vie en Santé (REVES) conference. Padua (Italy). May 24-26, 2023

(REVES link, REVES poster)

Longevity Velocity: Differences in the Pace of Life Expectancy Gains across Europe's Regions

Sauerberg, M., F. Bonnet, C. G. Camarda and P. Grigoriev (2023).

Longevity Velocity: Differences in the Pace of Life Expectancy Gains across Europe's Regions

Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie (Annual Conference of the German Demographic Society). Koblenz (Germany). March 15-17, 2023

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New Orleans (USA). April 12-15, 2023

(DGD link, DGD Slides, PAA link, PAA poster)

Adult modal age at death in contexts lacking good vital registration systems Insights from sub-Saharan African data

Ouedraogo, S., N. Ouellette, G. Duthe, C. G. Camarda (2023).

Adult modal age at death in contexts lacking good vital registration systems Insights from sub-Saharan African data

Workshop on Aging and Health of Older person in sub-Saharan Africa. Entebbe (Uganda). February, 20-22, 2023

(Workshop schedule, Slides)

The curse of the plateau. Measuring confidence in human mortality estimates at extreme ages

Camarda, C. G (2023).

The curse of the plateau. Measuring confidence in human mortality estimates at extreme ages

Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). February 2, 2023

(CED link, CED twitter)

The joy of smoothing mortality data

Camarda, C. G (2022).

The joy of smoothing mortality data

Climbing Mortality Models Workshop. Misurina (Italy). August 30 - September 2, 2022

(Workshop link, Slides)

Estimating Subnational Excess Mortality in Times of Pandemic. An Application to French Département in 2020 (and 2021)

Camarda, C. G. and F. Bonnet (2022).

Estimating Subnational Excess Mortality in Times of Pandemic. An Application to French Département in 2020 (and 2021)

European Population Conference. Groningen (The Netherlands). June 29 - July 2, 2022

11th International Conference on Population Geographies (on-line event). August 25-27, 2022

(EPC link, Slides, ICPG link)

Lee-Carter Cohort Mortality Forecasts

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2022).

Lee-Carter Cohort Mortality Forecasts

Climbing Mortality Models Workshop. Misurina (Italy). August 30 - September 2, 2022

European Population Conference. Groningen (The Netherlands). June 29 - July 2, 2022

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Atlanta (USA) & online. April 6-9, 2022

29th IUSSP International Population Conference. On-line. December 5-10, 2021

(EPC link, PAA link, IUSSP link, IUSSP Poster)

The dangers of drawing cohort profiles from period data

van Raalte A. A., U. Basellini, C. G. Camarda, M. R. Nepomuceno and M. Myrskylä (2022).

The dangers of drawing cohort profiles from period data

6th Human Mortality Database Symposium. Paris (France). June 16–17, 2022

(HMD link)

French HMD and its use for monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic at the local level

Bonnet, F. and C. G. Camarda (2022).

French HMD and its use for monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic at the local level

6th Human Mortality Database Symposium. Paris (France). June 16–17, 2022

(HMD link)

Measurement and indicators of longevity in HMD

Robine J.-M. and C. G. Camarda (2022).

Measurement and indicators of longevity in HMD

6th Human Mortality Database Symposium. Paris (France). June 16–17, 2022

(HMD link, Slides)

La malédiction du plateau : quantifier l’incertitude entourant les estimations de la mortalité aux âges extrêmes

Camarda, C. G. (2022).

La malédiction du plateau : quantifier l’incertitude entourant les estimations de la mortalité aux âges extrêmes

Colloque de l’Association des démographes du Québec. Montréal (Canada). May 5-6, 2022

(ADQ link, Slides)

A gentle introduction to CP-splines: a novel paradigm in mortality forecasting

Camarda, C. G. (2022).

A gentle introduction to CP-splines: a novel paradigm in mortality forecasting

Seminar series of the Département de démographie - Université de Montréal (Canada). February 24, 2022

(Link UdeM, Tweet UdeM, Slides)

Forecasting vital rates from demographic summary measures

Camarda, C. G. and Aburto J. M. (2021).

Forecasting vital rates from demographic summary measures

29th IUSSP International Population Conference. On-line. December 5-10, 2021

(IUSSP link, Slides, Pre-recorded talk)

Mortality above age of 105 using survival analysis in French, Belgian and Quebec populations

Dang, L. H. K., C. G. Camarda, F. Meslé, N. Ouellette, J.-M. Robine, J. Vallin and M. Poulain (2021).

Mortality above age of 105 using survival analysis in French, Belgian and Quebec populations

29th IUSSP International Population Conference. On-line. December 5-10, 2021

(IUSSP link)

Comparing successive COVID-19 Waves within and between Countries: A challenge when dealing with imperfect Data

Torres, C., F. Meslé, M. Barbieri, F. Bonnet, C. G. Camarda, E. Cambois, A. Caporali, E. Couppié, J. Garcia, I. Hourani, S. Poniakina and J.-M. Robine (2021).

Comparing successive COVID-19 Waves within and between Countries: A challenge when dealing with imperfect Data

29th IUSSP International Population Conference. On-line. December 5-10, 2021

(IUSSP link)

The Demography of COVID-19 Deaths. A gateway to well-documented international data

Caporali, A., E. Couppié, J. Garcia, I. Hourani, S. Poniakina, M. Barbieri, F. Bonnet, C. G. Camarda, E. Cambois, D. Korotkova, F. Meslé, O. Penina, J.-M. Robine, M. Sauerberg and C. Torres (2021).

The Demography of COVID-19 Deaths. A gateway to well-documented international data

29th IUSSP International Population Conference. On-line. December 5-10, 2021

(IUSSP link)

Linking Excess Mortality to Mobility Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in England and Wales

Basellini, U., D. Alburez-Gutierrez, E. Del Fava, D. Perrotta, M. Bonetti, C. G. Camarda and E. Zagheni (2021).

Linking Excess Mortality to Mobility Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in England and Wales

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. On-line. May 5-8, 2021

(PAA link, Slides associated to the poster)

Winner of the PAA 2021 Blue Ribbon Poster Award (PAA link)

Modeling COVID-19 Mortality at the Regional Level in Italy

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2021).

Modeling COVID-19 Mortality at the Regional Level in Italy

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. On-line. May 5-8, 2021

(PAA link, Slides)

The Demography of COVID-19 Deaths. A Gateway to Well-Documented International Data

Caporali, A., J. Garcia, S. Poniakina, M. Barbieri, E. Cambois, C. G. Camarda, F. Mesle, J-M. Robine and C. Torres (2021).

The Demography of COVID-19 Deaths. A Gateway to Well-Documented International Data

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. On-line. May 5-8, 2021

(PAA link)

International Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: Some Reflections on Diversity in Data Collection Systems

Garcia, J., C. Torres, M. Barbieri, E. Cambois, C. G. Camarda, A. Caporali, F. Meslé, S. Poniakina and J.-M. Robine (2021). 

International Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: Some Reflections on Diversity in Data Collection Systems

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. On-line. May 5-8, 2021

(PAA link)

Smooth Constrained Mortality Forecasting with an Extension to Multi-population Forecasts

Camarda, C. G. (2020).

Smooth Constrained Mortality Forecasting with an Extension to Multi-population Forecasts

3rd Human Mortality Database Users Conference. On-line. November 16-18, 2020

The conference web-page offers:

- a replay of the talk and discussion: here.

- a printing version of the slides: here.

Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: the implications of imperfect and diverse data collection systems

Garcia, J., C. Torres, M. Barbieri, E. Cambois, C. G. Camarda, A. Caporali, F. Meslé, S. Poniakina and J.-M. Robine (2020). 

Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: the implications of imperfect and diverse data collection systems

Les lundis de l'Ined. On-line. November 30, 2020


Forecasting mortality, a tentative review

Camarda, C. G. (2020).

Forecasting mortality, a tentative review

Workshop of the EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Working Group. On-line. September 21-23, 2020


Leveraging Google Mobility Reports to assess the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on excess mortality in England and Wales

Basellini, U., D. Alburez-Gutierrez, E. Del Fava, D. Perrotta, M. Bonetti, C. G.  Camarda and E. Zagheni (2020).

Leveraging Google Mobility Reports to assess the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on excess mortality in England and Wales

IUSSP Webinar: Digital and computational approaches to study determinants and consequences of the spread of COVID-19. On-line. July 8, 2020

(IUSSP link, associated manuscript in SocArXiv)

Mortality Analysis and Statistics: still room for cooperation?

Camarda, C. G. (2020).

Mortality Analysis and Statistics: still room for cooperation?

Beyond EPC 2020: the First EAPS Webinar. On-line. June 24, 2020

(EAPS link, Slides)

Smooth Constrained Mortality Forecasting

Camarda, C. G. (2020).

Smooth Constrained Mortality Forecasting

Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). January 23, 2020

School of Demography Seminar Series. Australian National University. Canberra (Australia). December 10, 2019

(ANU link, CED link, Press release from the CED in Catalan and Spanish)

The curse of the plateau. A skeptical view on mortality estimation at extreme ages

Camarda, C. G. (2019).

The curse of the plateau. A skeptical view on mortality estimation at extreme ages

14th Supercentenarian Seminar. Paris (France), November 28-29, 2019

(INED link, Slides)

Survival analysis at oldest ages on mortality data of longevity pioneers in France

Dang, L., C. G. Camarda, F. Meslé, N. Ouellette, J. M. Robine, and J. Vallin (2019).

Survival analysis at oldest ages on mortality data of longevity pioneers in France

14th Supercentenarian Seminar. Paris (France), November 28-29, 2019

(INED link)

The age pattern of mortality above age 105

Alvarez, J.-A. F. Villavicencio, C. G. Camarda (2019).

The age pattern of mortality above age 105

14th Supercentenarian Seminar. Paris (France), November 28-29, 2019

(INED link)

Statistical methods for modelling and forecasting mortality

Camarda, C. G. (2019).

Statistical methods for modelling and forecasting mortality

Recontre avec les Étudiants en Statistique de Palerme. Paris (France), October 4, 2019

Survival Analysis on Mortality Data at Oldest Ages: First Results on Longevity Pioneers in France

Dang, L., C. G. Camarda, F. Meslé, N. Ouellette, J. M. Robine, and J. Vallin (2019).

Survival Analysis on Mortality Data at Oldest Ages: First Results on Longevity Pioneers in France

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Austin (USA). April 10-13, 2019

(PAA poster, PAA link)

An Age-at-Death Distribution Approach to Forecast Cohort Mortality

Basellini, U., S. Kjærgaard and C. G. Camarda (2019).

An Age-at-Death Distribution Approach to Forecast Cohort Mortality

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Austin (USA). April 10-13, 2019

Italian Population Days Conference (Popdays 2019), Milan (Italy). January 24-26, 2019

(PAA link, PopDays link)

Statistics and Mortality Analysis: still room for cooperation?

Camarda, C.G. (2019).

Statistics and Mortality Analysis: still room for cooperation?

Workshop on "Emerging Research Questions at the Intersection of Demography and Epidemiology". Castle Ringberg (Germany). March 20-23, 2019


Forecasting mortality of not extinct cohorts with the penalized composite link model

Rizzi, S. S. Kjærgaard, C. G. Camarda, M.-P., Bergeron-Boucher, R. Lindahl-Jacobsen and J. Vaupel (2018).

Forecasting mortality of not extinct cohorts with the penalized composite link model

Workshop on "Forecasting Danish Life Expectancy and Age at Retirement". Odense, (Denmark). December 10, 2018


Modelling and Forecasting Age-at-Death Distributions

Basellini, U., S. Kjærgaard and C. G. Camarda (2018).

Modelling and Forecasting Age-at-Death Distributions

Workshop on "Forecasting Danish Life Expectancy and Age at Retirement". Odense, (Denmark). December 10, 2018

Estimating Mortality in Small Areas: revising the TOPALS model

Camarda, C. G. and J. Garcia (2018).

Estimating Mortality in Small Areas: revising the TOPALS model

VIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población, Puebla (Mexico), October 23-26, 2018


Niveaux et tendances de l'âge modal au décès en milieu rural sénégalais depuis le milieu des années 1980 : une nouvelle perspective sur la transition sanitaire et la longévité

Duthé, G., N. Ouellette, C. G. Camarda and G. Pison (2018).

Niveaux et tendances de l'âge modal au décès en milieu rural sénégalais depuis le milieu des années 1980 : une nouvelle perspective sur la transition sanitaire et la longévité

XXème Colloque de l'Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française / 44ème Chaire Quetelet. Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), August 28-31, 2018


Extending the Lee-Carter Model to the Three Components of Human Mortality

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2018).

Extending the Lee-Carter Model to the Three Components of Human Mortality

European Population Conference. Brussels (Belgium), June 6-9, 2018

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Denver (USA). April 26-29, 2018

(EPC link, PAA link)

Recovering Indirect Information in Demographic Applications

Gampe, J., C. G. Camarda and P. Eilers (2018).

Recovering Indirect Information in Demographic Applications

49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Palermo (Italy), June 20-22, 2018

Modelling mortality over age and time, and age and cohort: a nonparametric approach

Camarda, C.G. (2018).

Modelling mortality over age and time, and age and cohort: a nonparametric approach

Conference Series: Demography - Today 2017-2018. Fundación BBVA. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid (Spain). May 28, 2018

Les rencontres de statistique appliquée. Notions d’âge, de période et de cohorte: Peut-on en démêler les effets? INED, Paris (France). September 28, 2015

(INED link, CSIC link with Video, INED slides)

How is lifespan variation developing across cohorts?

van Raalte, A. M. Nepomuceno, C.G. Camarda and M. Myrskylä (2018).

How is lifespan variation developing across cohorts?

Workshop on Inequality and Uncertainty in Length of Life. Tel Aviv, (Israel), May 17, 2018

Constrained mortality forecast: a nonparametric approach enhanced by demographic knowledge

Camarda, C.G. (2017).

Constrained mortality forecast: a nonparametric approach enhanced by demographic knowledge

28th IUSSP International Population Conference. Cape Town (South Africa), October 28 - November 3, 2017

(IUSSP link)

Modeling and Forecasting Age at Death Distributions: A Nonparametric Approach

Basellini, U., C. G. Camarda and V. Canudas-Romo (2017).

Modeling and Forecasting Age at Death Distributions: A Nonparametric Approach

28th IUSSP International Population Conference. Cape Town (South Africa), October 28 - November 3, 2017

(IUSSP link)

Modeling and Forecasting Age at Death Distributions

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2017).

Modeling and Forecasting Age at Death Distributions.

LONGEVITY13: International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference, Taipei (Taiwan), September 21-22, 2017

MaxNetAging Conference, Rostock (Germany), May 16-19, 2017

IUSSP International Seminar on Mortality Analysis and Forecasting, New Delhi (India), April 6-8, 2017

Italian Population Days Conference (Popdays 2017), Florence (Italy), February 8-10, 2017

European Population Conference. Mainz (Germany), August 31 - September 3, 2016

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Washington, D.C. (USA), March 31–April 2, 2016

(Handout from PAA poster, PAA link, EPC link, LONGEVITY13 link)

Modelling and decomposing vital rates: a non-parametric approach

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2017).

Modelling and decomposing vital rates: a non-parametric approach

TIES-GRASPA 2017 - SIS 2017. University of Bergamo, July 24-26, 2017

Dondena Seminar Series, Bocconi University. Milan (Italy), November 9, 2015

27th IUSSP International Population Conference. Busan (South Korea), August 26-31, 2013

Les lundis de l'Ined. INED (France), October 22, 2012

Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) Colloquium series. VID (Austria), September 12, 2012

(VID slides, INED link, VID link, IUSSP link, Dondena link)

Composite Link Model: the neglected model missing in R

Camarda, C.G. (2017).

Composite Link Model: the neglected model missing in R

R-user group of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Rostock (Germany), June 14, 2017

Statistics Constrained by Demography in Forecasting Mortality: A Nonparametric Approach Enhanced by Demographic Knowledge

Camarda, C.G. (2017).

Statistics Constrained by Demography in Forecasting Mortality: A Nonparametric Approach Enhanced by Demographic Knowledge

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Chicago (USA), April 27-29, 2017

(PAA link)

Does the Age Difference Between Partners Influence the Career Achievements of Women?

Carollo, A., A. Oksuzyan, C.G. Camarda, S. Drefahl, K. Christensen and A. van Raalte (2017).

Does the Age Difference Between Partners Influence the Career Achievements of Women?

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Chicago (USA), April 27-29, 2017

(PAA poster, PAA link)

Uncovering adult modal age at death in populations with grouped data

Camarda, C. G. and N. Ouellette (2017).

Uncovering adult modal age at death in populations with grouped data

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Chicago (USA), April 27-29, 2017

VII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), October 17-22, 2016

European Population Conference. Mainz (Germany), August 31 - September 3, 2016

(PAA poster, PAA link, ALAP link, EPC link)

The life-table: simple device or mathematical model?

Camarda, C. G (2017).

The life-table: simple device or mathematical model?

Workshop "Les Métriques de la Longévité". Lyon (France), January 26-27, 2017

Program Packages: achievements of an automatized reconstruction of mortality series by cause of death

Camarda, C. G. and M. Pechholdova (2017).

Program Packages: achievements of an automatized reconstruction of mortality series by cause of death

DIMOCHA Final Seminar, MPIDR, Rostock (Germany), January 31 - February 1, 2017


A Non-Parametric Approach to Decompose the Young Adult Mortality Hump by Causes of Death

Remund A., T. Riffe and C.G. Camarda (2016).

A Non-Parametric Approach to Decompose the Young Adult Mortality Hump by Causes of Death

European Population Conference. Mainz (Germany), August 31 - September 3, 2016

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Washington, D.C. (USA), March 31–April 2, 2016

(PAA poster, PAA link, EPC link)

Winner of the PAA 2016 Blue Ribbon Poster Award

Lifespan disparity by leading causes of death in Canada and the U.S. from 1975 to 2011

Diaconu V., N. Ouellette, C. G. Camarda and R. Bourbeau (2016).

Lifespan disparity by leading causes of death in Canada and the U.S. from 1975 to 2011

European Population Conference. Mainz (Germany), August 31 - September 3, 2016

(EPC link)

Life expectancy by socioeconomic status: which model fits best?

Bricard, D.,  C. G. Camarda and E. Cambois (2016).

Life expectancy by socioeconomic status: which model fits best?

European Population Conference. Mainz (Germany), August 31 - September 3, 2016

(EPC link)

Modelling fertility rates by age, time, and birth order from coarsely grouped data: a penalized composite link model approach

Ayma Anza D. and C. G. Camarda (2016).

Modelling fertility rates by age, time, and birth order from coarsely grouped data: a penalized composite link model approach

European Population Conference. Mainz (Germany), August 31 - September 3, 2016

(EPC link)

Trends in Cause-Specific Lifespan Variation in Canada and the United States

Diaconu V., N. Ouellette, C. G. Camarda and R. Bourbeau (2016).

Trends in Cause-Specific Lifespan Variation in Canada and the United States

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Washington, D.C. (USA), March 31–April 2, 2016

(PAA poster, PAA link)

Estimating Transition Coefficients: A penalized likelihood approach

Camarda C.G. (2016)

Estimating Transition Coefficients: A penalized likelihood approach

MODICOD & DIMOCHA Joint Seminar. MPIDR, Rostock (Germany), January 25-26, 2016


Assessing the presence of disruptions in cause-specific mortality series: the on-going battle between humans and machine

Camarda, C.G. and M. Pechholdova (2016).

Assessing the presence of disruptions in cause-specific mortality series: the on-going battle between humans and machine

MODICOD & DIMOCHA Joint Seminar. MPIDR, Rostock (Germany), January 25-26, 2016


Cause-of-death decomposition of young adult mortality hump

Remund, A., T. Riffe and C. G. Camarda (2016).

Cause-of-death decomposition of young adult mortality hump

MODICOD & DIMOCHA Joint Seminar. MPIDR, Rostock (Germany), January 25-26, 2016

Measuring young adult excess mortality a non-parametric additive approach

Remund, A. and C. G. Camarda (2015).

Measuring young adult excess mortality a non-parametric additive approach

Workshop of the EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Working Group. Prague (Czech Republic), September 16-18, 2015


Smoothing on grids with applications to mortality data

Camarda, C.G.  (2015).

Smoothing on grids with applications to mortality data

Invited session on "Recent Advances in Multidimensional Smoothing".  International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics meeting. Graz (Austria), July 12-15, 2015


Cause-specific senescence: classifying causes of death according to the rate of aging

Camarda, C.G. and M. Pechholdova (2015).

Cause-specific senescence: classifying causes of death according to the rate of aging

3rd Conference of the Rostocker Ring, MPIDR, Rostock (Germany), August 31 – September 1, 2015

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. San Diego (USA), April 30–May 2, 2015

Modicod/Dimocha workshop, INED, Paris (France), October 23-24, 2014

(slides, PAA poster, an additional page with more info)

The changing age distribution of deaths by cause in Canada and the U.S.

Diaconu, V., R. Bourbeau, N. Ouellette and C.G. Camarda (2015).

The changing age distribution of deaths by cause in Canada and the U.S.

16th Conference Applied stochastic models and data analysis international society. Piraeus (Greece), June 30 - July 4, 2015

Generalized exponential tilting

Eilers, P., C.G. Camarda and J. Gampe (2015).

Generalized exponential tilting

Seminars series of Universida de Vigo. (Spain), June 9, 2015

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Scientific Seminar. Bilbao (Spain), May, 12 2015

Statistics Series, IAP Project StUDyS. Université de Liège (Belgium), March 6, 2015

International HEXA-symposium on biostatistics, bioinformatics and epidemiology. Universiteit Hasselt (Belgium), November 14-15, 2013

(Vigo link, BCAM link, BCAM slides, Liège link, HEXA Slides)

Differences in Cause-Specific Lifespan Distributions: The Confounding Effect of Age

Diaconu, V., R. Bourbeau, N. Ouellette and C.G. Camarda (2015).

Differences in Cause-Specific Lifespan Distributions: The Confounding Effect of Age

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. San Diego (USA), April 30–May 2, 2015

(link, poster)

Accelerated seasonal rhythm leads to accelerated aging in a primate species

Landes, J., P.-Y. Henry, C.G. Camarda, I. Hardy, M. Perret, S. Pavard (2014).

Accelerated seasonal rhythm leads to accelerated aging in a primate species

Journées du GDR Ecologie Statistique, Lyon (France), March 12-13, 2015

Evolutionary Demography Society 2nd Annual Meeting, Stanford University (USA), November 10-12, 2014

(link GDR, slides GDR)

Construction Associations Automatically

Pechholdova, M. and C.G. Camarda (2014).

Construction Associations Automatically

Modicod/Dimocha workshop, INED, Paris (France), October 23-24, 2014


Reconstructing Mortality Series by Cause of Death: Two alternative approaches

Camarda, C. G. (2014) 

Reconstructing Mortality Series by Cause of Death: Two alternative approaches

Modicod/Dimocha workshop, INED, Paris (France), October 23-24, 2014

Assessing the presence of disruptions in cause-specific mortality series: A statistical approach

Camarda C.G. and M. Pechholdova (2014).

Assessing the presence of disruptions in cause-specific mortality series: A statistical approach

Modicod/Dimocha workshop, INED, Paris (France), October 23-24, 2014

European Population Conference. Budapest (Hungary), June 25-28, 2014

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Boston (USA), May 1-3, 2014

(PAA poster, PAA link, EPC slides, EPC link)

Modelling social contact data: a smoothing constrained approach

Camarda, C. G. (2014).

Modelling social contact data: a smoothing constrained approach

Statistical and Mathematical Modeling in Biological Applications (SaMMBA), Institut Pasteur, Paris (France), June 10, 2014

Simulation Models of Infectious Disease Transmission and Control Processes (SIMID) Workshop, Antwerp (Belgium), April 17-18, 2013

(SIMID slides, SaMMBA link)

Différences d'âge modal au décès entre les sexes : Nouveau regard sur une mesure cruciale de la durée de vie

Camarda C.G. , N. Ouellette, J. Vallin and F. Meslé (2014).

Différences d'âge modal au décès entre les sexes : Nouveau regard sur une mesure cruciale de la durée de vie

XVIIIème Colloque de l'Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française. Bari (Italy), May 26-29, 2014

(slides, link)

All You Can Fit: Statistical Challenges in Estimating the Human Rate of Aging

Missov, T. I. and C.G. Camarda (2014).

All You Can Fit: Statistical Challenges in Estimating the Human Rate of Aging

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Boston (USA), May 1-3, 2014

27th IUSSP International Population Conference. Busan (South Korea), August 26-31, 2013

(IUSSP slides, IUSSP link, PAA link, Extended IUSSP abstract)

Sum of Smooth Exponentials

Camarda C.G. (2014).

Sum of Smooth Exponentials

Statistics Series, IAP Project StUDyS. Université de Liège (Belgium), February 7, 2014


Coherent forecasting of multiple-decrement life tables: compositional models for French Cause of Death data, 1925-2008

Oeppen J. and C.G. Camarda (2013).

Coherent forecasting of multiple-decrement life tables: compositional models for French Cause of Death data, 1925-2008

Joint Eurostat/UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections. Rome (Italy), October 29-31, 2013


Insights on longevity: An analysis of the modal life span by leading causes of death in Canada

Diaconu, V, R. Bourbeau, N. Ouellette, and C.G. Camarda (2013).

Insights on longevity: An analysis of the modal life span by leading causes of death in Canada

27th IUSSP International Population Conference. Busan (South Korea), August 26-31, 2013


Changes in the Age-at-Death Distribution by Leading Causes of Death in Canada: An Innovative Analysis through a Nonparametric Method

Diaconu, V, R. Bourbeau, N. Ouellette, and C.G. Camarda (2013).

Changes in the Age-at-Death Distribution by Leading Causes of Death in Canada: An Innovative Analysis through a Nonparametric Method

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New Orleans (USA), April 12-15, 2013

International Conference on "Determinants of Unusual and Differential Longevity". Vienna (Austria), November 21-23, 2012


Estimating Transition Coefficients in Reconstructing Continuous Series of Mortality by Cause of Death

Camarda, C. G. (2013).

Estimating Transition Coefficients in Reconstructing Continuous Series of Mortality by Cause of Death

Modicod. Kick-off Seminar, MPIDR, Rostock (Germany), April 3-4, 2013


A general model for patterns and trends of digit preference

Camarda, C. G. (2013).

A general model for patterns and trends of digit preference

National Educational Panel Study, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany), February 28-29, 2013

Seminars in Biostatistics. Erasmus MC Rotterdam (The Netherlands), January 12, 2010

Seminars of the Center for Statistics. Universiteit Hasselt (Belgium), January 19, 2010

(NEPS link)

A Statistical Approach for Reconstructing Continuous Series of Mortality by Cause of Death

Camarda, C. G. (2012).

A Statistical Approach for Reconstructing Continuous Series of Mortality by Cause of Death

2012 Colloquium series. Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics, Barcelona (Spain), November 15, 2012

European Population Conference. Stockholm (Sweden), June 13-16, 2012

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. San Francisco (USA), May 3-5, 2012

(EPC slides, EPC link, PAA link)

Estimating the Reproductive Numbers of Influenza Pandemics from data with Day-of-Week reporting biased

Oeppen, James E. and C. G. Camarda (2012).

Estimating the Reproductive Numbers of Influenza Pandemics from data with Day-of-Week reporting biased

European Population Conference. Stockholm (Sweden), June 13-16, 2012

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. San Francisco (USA), May 3-5, 2012

(PAA poster, PAA link, EPC slides, EPC link)

Winner of the PAA 2012 Blue Ribbon Poster Award (MPIDR announcement in English and German)

Identifying the Ruptures Shaping the Segmented Line of the Secular Trends in Maximum Life Expectancies

Camarda, C. G., J. Vallin and F. Meslé (2012).

Identifying the Ruptures Shaping the Segmented Line of the Secular Trends in Maximum Life Expectancies

European Population Conference. Stockholm (Sweden), June 13-16, 2012

(extended abstract)

An introduction to the composite link model: digit preference and other applications

Camarda, C. G. (2012).

An introduction to the composite link model: digit preference and other applications

Seminars of the Center for Statistics. Universiteit Hasselt (Belgium), February 17, 2012


Rates of Ageing in Human Populations

E. Barbi and C. G. Camarda (2011).

Rates of Ageing in Human Populations

IUSSP Workshop on the b Hypothesis and the Modal Age of Death. Rostock (Germany), October 24-25, 2011

Regional disparities in Canadian old-age mortality. A study based on smoothed age-at-death distributions

Ouellette, N., R. Bourbeau and C. G. Camarda (2011).

Regional disparities in Canadian old-age mortality. A study based on smoothed age-at-death distributions

IUSSP Workshop on the b Hypothesis and the Modal Age of Death. Rostock (Germany), October 24-25, 2011

Smoothing for demographers. A practical introduction to P-splines

Camarda, C. G. (2011).

Smoothing for demographers. A practical introduction to P-splines

Seminars of the Unité 05: Mortalité, santé, épidémiologie. INED, Paris (France), March 3, 2011


Rate of Ageing, Selective Survival and Mortality Compression

Camarda, C. G. and E. Barbi (2011).

Rate of Ageing, Selective Survival and Mortality Compression

9th Giornate di Studio sulla Populazione. Ancona (Italy), February 2-4, 2011

The challenge of smoothing mortality data in small populations

Camarda, C. G. (2010).

The challenge of smoothing mortality data in small populations

Third HMD Symposium. INED, Paris (France), June 17-19, 2010


Smoothing mortality: an introduction to P-splines

Camarda, C. G. (2010).

Smoothing mortality: an introduction to P-splines

Seminars of the "Dipartimento di Studi, Economici, Attuariali e Demografici". Università La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), April 7, 2010

Modeling Mortality Surfaces: The Influence of Period and Cohort Components on Elderly Mortality

Camarda, C. G. and E. Barbi (2010).

Modeling Mortality Surfaces: The Influence of Period and Cohort Components on Elderly Mortality

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Dallas (USA), April 15-17, 2010

A Warped Failure Time Model for Human Mortality

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2009).

A Warped Failure Time Model for Human Mortality

26th IUSSP International Population Conference. Marrakesh (Morocco), September 27 - October 2,  2009

24th International Biometric Conference. Dublin (Ireland), July 13-18, 2008

(IUSSP slides)

Smoothing mortality data: a P-splines approach with R.

Camarda, C. G. (2009).

Smoothing mortality data: a P-splines approach with R

Reunión Tablas de mortalidad. Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Madrid (Spain), September 21-22, 2009

MortalitySmooth: An R package to smooth Poisson counts with P-splines

Camarda, C. G. (2009).

MortalitySmooth: An R package to smooth Poisson counts with P-splines

Royal Statistical Society Conference. Edinburgh (UK), September 7-11, 2009

(package and paper)

Mortality Surfaces: concepts and modeling with applications of the Lee-Carter model

Camarda, C. G. (2009).

Mortality Surfaces: concepts and modeling with applications of the Lee-Carter model

La salud de la Poblacion. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid (Spain), February 11, 2009

Projecting the presence: estimating incomplete parity- and age-specific fertility rates

Camarda, C. G. and H. Wilkoszewski (2008).

Projecting the presence: estimating incomplete parity- and age-specific fertility rates

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New Orleans (USA), April 17-19, 2008

(extended abstract, poster)

Modelling Digit Preference by Penalized Composite Link Models

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2007).

Modelling Digit Preference by Penalized Composite Link Models

Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New York (USA), March 29-31, 2007

(extended abstract, booklet, poster)

Mortality dynamics and policy changes: the case of Germany

Camarda, C. G. and E. Barbi (2005).

Mortality dynamics and policy changes: the case of Germany

25th IUSSP International Population Conference. Tours (France), July 18-23, 2005
