
In this page I provide a short list (randomly ordered) of my research interests with some additional details and related documents.

  • Statistical approaches for reconstructing continuous series of mortality by causes of death (view more)

  • Exploring a general theory for the biodemography of human ageing (view more)

  • Mortality age trajectories within the phylogenetic tree

  • Modelling and decomposing vital rates: a non-parametric approach

  • Dissemination of R as a free software environment to demographers

  • Analysis of social contact data and mixing pattern relevant to the spread of infectious disease (view more)

  • Modal life span by leading causes of death in Canada

  • Identifying the Ruptures Shaping the Segmented Line of the Secular Trends in Maximum Life Expectancies (view more)

  • Modelling and Smoothing Mortality Surfaces and developing the related R package: MortalitySmooth (view more)

  • Smoothing Methods for the Analysis of Mortality Development (view more)

  • Modeling General Patterns of Digit Preference (view more)

  • Estimating the Reproductive Number of an Influenza Pandemic (view more)

  • Modelling and forecasting Age at death Distributions

  • A non-parametric approach to decompose the young adult mortality hump by causes of death

  • Life expectancy by socioeconomic status: which model fits best?

  • Modelling fertility rates by age, time and birth order from coarsely grouped data

  • Coherent forecasting of multiple-decrement life tables

  • Methodological issues in measuring alcohol consumption (view more)

  • Warping Models for Lifetime Distributions (view more)

  • Explained Variation in Models for Mortality Data (view more)