
In chronological order

Note: In my website, you can freely download all papers I (co-)authored (including those not in open-access).  If you cannot, please send me an email.

Camarda C. G. and J.-M. Robine (2024)

Limit of human longevity: historical perspectives and new metric

In Lemaître J.-F. and Pavard S.: The Biodemography of Ageing and Longevity. Cambridge University Press


Dang, L. H. K., N. Ouellette, C. G. Camarda and F. Meslé (2024)

Mortality modelling at the oldest ages in human populations: a brief overview

In Lemaître J.-F. and Pavard S.: The Biodemography of Ageing and Longevity. Cambridge University Press


Bonnet, F, P. Grigoriev, M. Sauerberg, I. Alliger, M. Mühlichen and C. G. Camarda (2024)

Spatial disparities in the mortality burden of the covid-19 pandemic across 569 European regions (2020-2021)

Nature Communications. 15: 4246

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48689-0

Open access here

Gómez Ugarte Valerio, A. C., U. Basellini, C. G. Camarda, F. Janssen and E. Zagheni (2024)

Reassessing socioeconomic inequalities in mortality via distributional similarities

MPIDR Working Paper. WP-2024-007, 36 pages

DOI: 10.4054/MPIDR-WP-2024-007

Open access here

Meslé, F., J. Vallin, C. G. Camarda, A. Caporali, S. Poniakina, L. Toussaint and J.-M. Robine (2024)

Vivre au-delà de 105 ans : quand l’improbable devient réalité

Living beyond age 105: When the improbable becomes reality

Population et Sociétés. n° 621, avril 2024

DOI: 10.3917/popsoc.621.0001

English version in open access here

Version française en accès libre ici

Bonnet, F, P. Grigoriev, M. Sauerberg, I. Alliger, M. Mühlichen and C. G. Camarda (2024)

Spatial Variation in Excess Mortality Across Europe: A Cross-Sectional Study of 561 Regions in 21 Countries

Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. 14, 470-479.

DOI: 10.1007/s44197-024-00200-0

Open access here

Bonnet, F. and C. G. Camarda (2024)

Estimating subnational excess mortality in times of pandemic. An application to French départements in 2020

PLOS ONE. 19(1) : e0293752

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293752

Open access here

van Raalte, A. A., U. Basellini, C. G. Camarda, M. R. Nepomuceno and M. Myrskylä (2023)

The Dangers of Drawing Cohort Profiles From Period Data: A Research Note

Demography. 60, 1689-1698

DOI: 10.1215/00703370-11067917

Open access here

Demography Tweet, Thread from @Inedfr, Tweet by @ugobas

Bonnet, F., C. G. Camarda, Cambois, E. and O. Merville (2023)

Les ouvriers vivent moins longtemps que les cadres : combien de temps passent-ils vraiment à la retraite ?

The Conversation. 27 September 2023

Open access here

Camarda, C. G. and M. Durbán (2023).

Coherent cause-specific mortality forecasting via constrained penalized regression models

In Bergherr, E., Groll, A. and Mayr, A.: Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Dortmund (Germany). 16-21 July, 2023. 103-108


Bonnet, F. , C. G. Camarda, E. Cambois and O. Merville (2023)

Les ouvriers vivent moins longtemps que les cadres : combien de temps passent-ils à la retraite et en (in)activité?

Employees in higher-level occupations outlive manual workers. How long do they live in retirement or (in)activity?

Population et Sociétés. n° 611, mai 2023

DOI: 10.3917/popsoc.611.0001

English version in open access here

Version française en accès libre ici

Vandendijck, Y., O. Gressani, F. Christel, C. G. Camarda and N. Hens (2023)

Cohort-based smoothing methods for age-specific contact rates

Biostatistics. 25, 521-540

DOI: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxad005

Accepted version in pdf

Journal link

Dang, L. H. K., C. G. Camarda, F. Meslé, N. Ouellette, J.-M. Robine and J. Vallin (2023)

The question of the human mortality plateau: Contrasting insights by longevity pioneers

Demographic Research. 128, 321-338

DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2023.48.11

Open access here

Demographic Research Tweet, Communiqué de presse de l'Ined, Thread from @Inedfr, Mon interview par Le Parisien

Torres C., J. García, F. Meslé, M. Barbieri, F. Bonnet, C. G. Camarda, E. Cambois, A. Caporali, É. Couppié, S. Poniakina and J.-M. Robine (2023)

Identifying age- and sex-specific COVID-19 mortality trends over time in six countries

International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 128, 32-40

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.12.004

Open access here

Basellini, U., C. G. Camarda and H. Booth (2023)

Thirty years on: A review of the Lee–Carter method for forecasting mortality

International Journal of Forecasting. 39. 1033-1049.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2022.11.002

Open access here

Remund, A., C. G. Camarda and T. Riffe (2022)

Excessive mortality of young adults: a natural trait?

The Conversation. 5 May 2022

Open access here

Schlüter, B.-S, B. Masquelier and C. G. Camarda (2022)

Heterogeneity in Subnational Mortality in The Context of The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Belgian Districts

Archives Of Public Health. 80:130.

DOI: 10.1186/s13690-022-00874-7

Open access here

Vandendijck, Y., O. Gressani, C. Faes, C. G. Camarda and N. Hens (2022)

Cohort-based Smoothing Methods for Age-specific Contact Rates

Preprint on BioRXiv 10.1101/290551v2.

Caporali, A., J. Garcia, É. Couppié, S. Poniakina, M. Barbieri, F. Bonnet, C. G. Camarda, E. Cambois, I. Hourani, D. Korotkova, F. Meslé, O. Penina, J.-M. Robine, M. Sauerberg and C. Torres (2022)

The demography of COVID-19 deaths database, a gateway to well-documented international data

Scientific Data. 9, 93

DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01191-y

Open access here

Camarda, C. G. (2022)

The curse of the plateau. Measuring confidence in human mortality estimates at extreme ages

Theoretical Population Biology. 144, 24-36.

DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2022.01.002

Open access here

Twitter announcement from INED

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2022)

Explaining regional differences in mortality during the first wave of COVID-19 in Italy 

Population Studies. 76, 99-118.

DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2021.1984551

Open access here

Twitter announcement from INED

Press release from the MPIDR in English (and in Deutsch)

Remund, A., C. G. Camarda and T. Riffe (2021)

La surmortalité des jeunes adultes : un trait naturel ? 

The Conversation. 21 octobre 2021

Accéder à l'article. Annonce sur Twitter 

Alvarez, J.-A., F. Villavicencio, C. Strozza and C. G. Camarda (2021)

Regularities in human mortality after age 105 

PLOS ONE. 16 (7) : e0253940

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253940

Open access here

Remund, A., C. G. Camarda and T. Riffe (2021)

La surmortalité des jeunes adultes est-elle naturelle ? 

Is young adult excess mortality a natural phenomenon?

Population et Sociétés. n° 590, juin 2021

English version in open access here

Version française en accès libre ici

Basellini, U., D. Alburez-Gutierrez, E. Del Fava, D. Perrotta, M. Bonetti, C.G. Camarda and E. Zagheni (2021)

Linking excess mortality to mobility data during the first wave of COVID-19 in England and Wales 

SSM - Population Health. 14, 100799

DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100799

Open access here

Press release from the MPIDR in English (and in Deutsch)

With this paper Ugofilippo Basellini was granted the Jan M. Hoem Paper Award (MPIDR announcement, INED tweet, MPIDR tweet)

Cubaynes, S. S. Galas, M. Richaud, A. Sanz Aguilar, R. Pradel, G. Tavecchia, F. Colchero, S. Roques, R. Shefferson and C. G. Camarda (2021)

Survival Analyses

In Salguero-Gómez, R. and Gamelon, M.: Demographic Methods across the Tree of Life. Oxford University Press, pp. 229-244

DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198838609.003.0013

Chapter in pdf, HAL Archive version

Camarda, C. G. and U. Basellini (2021) 

Smoothing, Decomposing and Forecasting Mortality Rates

European Journal of Population. 37 (3), 569-602.

DOI: 10.1007/s10680-021-09582-4

Accepted version in pdf

An interview briefly presenting the paper and its outcome: in English and en français.

A kind twitter from Ilya Kashnitsky about this paper.

Garcia, J., C. Torres, M. Barbieri, C. G. Camarda, E. Cambois, A. Caporali, F. Meslé, S. Poniakina and J.-M. Robine (2021)

Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: the implications of imperfect and diverse data collection systems

Différences de mortalité par Covid-19 : conséquence des imperfections et de la diversité des systèmes de collecte des données

Population, 76 (1),  35-72.

DOI: 10.3917/popu.2101.0035

English version in open access here

Version française en accès libre ici


Rizzi, S., S. Kjærgaard, M.-P. Bergeron-Boucher, C. G. Camarda, R. Lindahl-Jacobsen and J. W. Vaupel (2021) 

Killing off cohorts: Forecasting mortality of non-extinct cohorts with the penalized composite link model

International Journal of Forecasting. 37, 95-104. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2020.03.003

Available on-line here.


Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2020)

Modelling COVID-19 mortality at the regional level in Italy

Preprint on SocArXiv.

Basellini, U., D. Alburez-Gutierrez, E. Del Fava, D. Perrotta, M. Bonetti, C. G. Camarda and E. Zagheni (2020)

Linking excess mortality to Google mobility data during the COVID-19 pandemic in England and Wales

Preprint on SocArXiv.

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2020) 

A Three-component Approach to Model and Forecast Age-at-death Distributions

In Mazzuco, S. and Keilman N.: Developments in Demographic Forecasting. Springer, pp. 105-129

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42472-5

Open access here

Springer web-page

R-codes for reproducing the outcomes can be found here 

Basellini, U., S. Kjærgaard and C. G. Camarda (2020) 

An age-at-death distribution approach to forecast cohort mortality

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 91, 129-143.

DOI : 10.1016/j.insmatheco.2020.01.007


Camarda, C. G. (2019) 

Smooth Constrained Mortality Forecasting

Demographic Research. 41 (38), 1091-1130

DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.38

Open access here 

Journal web-page

Accepted version in pdf

Supplementary materials are available (DR link

R-codes for reproducing the outcomes can be found here and in the journal web-site

This study has been presented in several occasions. A good instance is given by the talk during the 3rd HMD Users Conference (held on 18 November 2020). From the associated web-site: recorded talk and discussion and slides.

Camarda, C. G. (2019) 

Forecasting vital rates from demographic summary measures

In Meira-Machado, L. and Soutinho, G.: Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Guimarães (Portugal). 8-12 July, 2019. 89-94


Carollo, A., A. Oksuzyan, S. Drefahl, C.G. Camarda, L. Ahrenfeldt, K. Christensen, A. van Raalte (2019) 

Is the Age Difference Between Partners Related to Women’s Earnings?

Demographic Research. 41 (15), 425-460

DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.15

(Open access here)

Camarda, C. G. (2019)

Estimating transition coefficients for reconstructing coherent series of mortality by cause of death

Statistical Modelling. 19 (3), 299-322

Special Issue: Statistical Modelling in Demographics

DOI : 10.1177/1471082X19832398 

(link and accepted version in pdf)

Gampe, J. and C. G. Camarda (2019)

Guest Editorial: Statistical Modelling in Demographics

Statistical Modelling. 19 (3), 223-224

Special Issue: Statistical Modelling in Demographics 

DOI : 10.1177/1471082X19852227 

(Open access here)

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2019) 

Modelling and forecasting adult age-at-death distribution

Population Studies. 73 (1), 119-138

DOI : 10.1080/00324728.2018.1545918

Paper and journal web-page

Listed among the 2 of the most cited articles of 2020 from Population Studies. PopStudies link

Camarda, C. G., L.H.K. Dang, F. Meslé, J.M. Robine, and J. Vallin (2018) 

E-letter as response to "The plateau of human mortality: Demography of longevity pioneers" by Barbi et al. in Science (360) 1459-1461

5 October 2018

(link and extended PDF version)

Basellini, U. and C. G. Camarda (2018) 

A Three-Component Lee-Carter approach to decompose and forecast human mortality

In Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Bristol (UK). 16-20 July, 2018. 17-22. 


Remund A., C.G. Camarda and T. Riffe (2018)

A cause-of-death decomposition of young adult excess mortality

Demography. 55 (3), 957-978.

DOI : 10.1007/s13524-018-0680-9

Open access here

Listed among the "Top 10 Demography Article Requests in the Last 2 Years (Publication years 2016-2018)", and downloaded over 47,000 times (on September 2019). PAA link

A preliminary version of the manuscript is available as working paper

A technical report for introducing the associated R-package (MortHump) is available here.

MPIDR publication announcement

Presented as poster, this paper won the 2016 PAA Blue Ribbon Poster Award (PAA poster, PAA link)

Remund A., T. Riffe and C.G. Camarda (2018)

Analyzing the young adult mortality hump in R with MortHump

MPIDR Technical Report. TR-2018-003

Open access here. Associated package (MortHump) here.

Pechholdová, M. C.G. Camarda, F. Meslé and J. Vallin (2017) 

Reconstructing Long-Term Coherent Cause-of-Death Series, a Necessary Step for Analyzing Trends

European Journal of Population. 33 (5), 629–650. 

DOI : 10.1007/s10680-017-9453-1

Paper and journal accessible pdf

Supplementary Material.

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2017) 

Modelling Trends in Digit Preference Patterns 

Journal of Royal Statistical Society. Series C. 66 (5), 893–918. 

DOI : 10.1111/rssc.12205

Open access here

Appointed by Wiley as one of the journal’s top 20 most downloaded recent papers in 2017 with 523 downloads.

Brève présentation en français tirée du rapport d'activité INED 2017.

Landes, J., M. Perret, I. Hardy, C.G. Camarda, P. Henry and S. Pavard (2017)

State transitions: a major mortality risk for seasonal species

Ecology Letters. 20 (7), 883-891.

DOI : 10.1111/ele.12785.

Open access here

Brève présentation en français tirée par le communiqué de presse du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Juin 2017)

Camarda, C. G. (2017)

Constrained Mortality Forecast

In Grzegorczyk, M. and Ceoldo, G.: Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Gronningen (The Netherlands). 3-7 July, 2017. 75-78


Oksuzyan, A., A. Carollo, S. Drefahl, C.G. Camarda, K. Christensen and A. van Raalte (2017)

Does the age difference between partners influence the career achievements of women?

MPIDR Working Paper-2017-008

Remund A., C.G. Camarda and T. Riffe (2017)

A cause-of-death decomposition of the young adult mortality hump

MPIDR Working Paper-2017-007

Camarda, C. G., P. H. C. Eilers and J. Gampe (2016)

Sums of smooth exponentials to model complex series of counts

Statistical Modelling. 16 (4), 279-296

DOI : 10.1177/1471082X19852227

Paper. Example data and code here.

Presented by Iain Currie in the blog Information Matrix on with a post titled The age pattern of mortality.

Brève présentation en français tirée du rapport d'activité INED 2016.

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2016) 

Trends in digit preference: Mastering a challenge with the penalized composite link model

In Dupuy, J.-F. and Josse, J.: Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Rennes (France). 4-8 July, 2016. 51-56


Diaconu V., N. Ouellette, C. G. Camarda, R. Bourbeau (2016)

Insight on “Typical” Longevity: An Analysis of the Modal Lifespan by Leading Causes of Death in Canada

Demographic Research. 35 (17), 471-504

DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2016.35.17

Open access here.

Camarda, C. G. and P. Eilers (2015)

Regression models with digit preference

In Friedl H. and Wagner H.: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Linz (Austria). 6-10 July, 2015. 123-128


Camarda, C. G. (2014) 

Reconstructing Mortality Series by Cause of Death: Two alternative approaches

In Kneib, T., Sobotka, F., Fahrenholz, J. and Irmer, H.: Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Göttingen (Germany). 14-18 July, 2014. 69-74


Jones, O. R., A. Scheuerlein, R. Salguero-Gomez, C. G. Camarda, R. Schaible, B. B. Casper, J. P. Dahlgren, J. Ehrlén, M. B. García, E. Menges, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, H. Caswell, A. Baudisch, J. W. Vaupel (2014) 

Diversity of ageing across the tree of life

Nature. 505, 169-173

DOI: 10.1038/nature12789


Review on "Le Monde" (link and paper version)

Ranked as "Exceptional" by "Faculty of 1000" (link and text)

Brève présentation en français tirée du rapport d'activité INED 2014.

Camarda, C. G., N. Hens and P. Eilers (2013) 

Modelling Social Contact Data: a smoothing constrained approach 

In Muggeo, V.M.R., Capursi, V., Boscaino, G. and Lovison, G.: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Palermo (Italy). 8-12 July, 2013. 103-108


Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2013) 

Exploratory Exponential Tilting 

In Muggeo, V.M.R., Capursi, V., Boscaino, G. and Lovison, G.: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Palermo (Italy). 8-12 July, 2013. 97-102


Camarda, C. G. (2012) 

MortalitySmooth: an R Package to Smooth Poisson Counts with P-splines 

Journal of Statistical Software. 50 (1), 1-24

DOI‎: ‎10.18637/jss.v050.i01


Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2012) 

Additive Decomposition of Vital Rates from Grouped Data 

In Komarek, A. and Nagy, S.: Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Prague (Czech Republic). 16-20 July, 2012. 57-62


Ouellette N., R. Bourbeau and C. G. Camarda (2012) 

Regional Disparities in Canadian Adult and Old-age Mortality: A Comparative Study Based on Smoothed Mortality Ratio Surfaces and Age-at-death Distributions. 

Canadian Studies in Population. 39 (3-4), 79-106


Open access here.

Barbi E. and C. G. Camarda (2011) 

Period and Cohort Effects on Elderly Mortality: a New Relational Model for Smoothing Mortality Surfaces 

Statistica. 71 (1), 51-70

DOI: 10.6092/issn.1973-2201/3604


Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2010) 

Sums of smooth exponentials 

In Bownman, A.: Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Glasgow (UK). 5-9 July, 2010. 113-118 

(paper, slides)

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2009) 

Modelling trends in digit preference patterns 

In Booth J.G.: Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Ithaca (USA). 20-24 July, 2009. 81-88 


Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2008) 

Modelling General Pattern of Digit Preference 

Statistical Modelling 8 (4), 385-401

DOI: 10.1177/1471082X0800800404


Camarda, C. G. and Maria L. Durban Reguera (2008) 

Goodness of fit in models for mortality data 

Statistics and econometrics working paper

Departamento de Estadistica, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 8, 1-32 

Open access here.

Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2008) 

A Warped Failure Time Model for Human Mortality 

In Eilers P.: Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Utrecht (The Netherlands). 7-11 July, 2008, 149-154 


Camarda, C. G., P. Eilers and J. Gampe (2007) 

Modelling General Patterns of Digit Preference 

In del Castillo, J.; Espinal, A. and Puig, P.: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling

Barcelona (Spain). 2-6 July, 2007, 148-153 


Vaupel, J.W., R. Rau, C.G. Camarda and K.G. von Kistowski (2006) 

Can heterogeneity of populations explain differences in mortality?

Chestnut Hill, MA, Center for Retirement Research working paper wp2006-10 
