1. Challenges and Change

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Goals for this session:

• Explore common and shared challenges, beliefs, and mindsets about technology integration.

• Discuss existing professional growth models and autonomous learning opportunities for teachers that support technology integration.

• Identify teacher and student outcomes for the successful integration of technology

Inquiry Questions:

1. What do you believe about Technology Integration?

2. Do your beliefs fit the mindsets that your students hold?

3. Are your beliefs and the beliefs of your teachers congruent with those of your students?

Technology Integration - Discussion - Chat Rooms - Where are you now? How is your school or site using technology? Click on the link below and examine the chart which shows the differences between technology usage and integration.


What does that look like in our schools?

1. Common and shared challenges, beliefs, and mindsets about technology integration

Building a shared vision as a conceptual framework for technology integration

Communities of Practice and Collaborative Teaching Practices - goo.gl/VmF33A

Collaboration is an emerging skill for teachers and teaming in school settings is highly encouraged. We expect teachers to be able to collaborate and work in team settings, but provide little or no training in this area during their teacher preparation programs. Collaborative practice must address both the work related tasks (instructional strategies and student engagement skills) and cognitive processes associated with the work related tasks (building trust and empathy, communication, collaboration, engaging in inquiry, problem solving, receiving feedback, metacognition and reflection) to help novice teachers develop adaptable activity in the workplace (Lintern, 2009). Enriching the experience for novice teachers through peer co-teaching and collaboration provides opportunities for developing pro-social interpersonal skills focused on problems of practice (Wenger, 2006).

Establishing goals for technology integration

Suggested Reading: "The Rule of 6: How to Teach With an iPad" by Jim Norwood.

Consider structuring change into processes.

1. Gather Information

2. Organize Resources and Materials

3. Transform existing lessons and curriculum to fit a technology based model.

4. Format learning of new functions for new audiences.

5. Transmit evidence of learning to demonstrate understanding and knowledge.

6. Collaborate to share knowledge and expertise.

Start reading it for free: http://a.co/9fsaBSa


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Quotes and Other Readings

"If the means of information and communication shift, so will workplace tasks and skills, and learning will soon follow."

"Mobile Media Learning: Amazing Uses of Mobile Devices for Learning" by John Martin, Seann Dikkers, et al., Bob Coulter

Start reading it for free: http://a.co/ifd2ZZP


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"Technology, we insist, is not what constitutes the revolutionary nature of this exciting moment. It is, rather, the potential for shared and interactive learning that Tim Berners-Lee and other pioneers of the Internet built into its structure, its organization, its model of governance and sustainability."

"The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning)" by Cathy N. Davidson, David Theo Goldberg, Zoë Marie Jones.

Start reading it for free: http://a.co/7zOaVPk


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2. Professional growth models and autonomous learning opportunities for teachers that support technology integration

Autonomous Learning

Daniel Pink speaking about Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

Watch the first five minutes of the video. Is it possible to learn from innovative business practices that increase employee autonomy, mastery and purpose?

Now let's make a comparison to what the research says about motivation, autonomy, choice and mastery.

Continuous Improvement

What does Continuous Improvement look like for teachers?

3. Teacher and student outcomes for the successful integration of technology


Edutopia - Technology Integration - https://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration

NEW ISTE Standards for Students (Educational Use) pdf

ISTE Standards for Educators (Permitted Educational Use) pdf